
全球金融危机的恶劣形势下,你还能 live on easy street 吗?或者,你只能be out on the street? 这就来看看这两个和"街道"相关的习惯用语是什么意思吧。

  1 easy street

  Easy street 从字面上看就是"容易街"。应该没有一条街叫这个名字,所谓的easy street 只是一个习惯用语,Easy street refers to a carefree situation, existence, or lifestyle,它用来形容一个人有足够的钱,生活得很舒适。

  Easy street 这个说法大约是在九十多年前出现的。最初使用这一说法的是位美国作家。他在一本小说中描写了一个因生意做得好而变得非常富裕的年轻人。书中这么说:"He could walk up and down easy street." 他可以在容易街上走来走去,引申之意就是:他可以生活得很自如。于是人们就渐渐把这位作家创造的词汇用到日常生活中去了。

  例句1:Joe is an example of what hard work can do. He worked seven days a week for five years to make his restaurant the best in town. Now the money is rolling in and he's living on easy street.


  例句2:John has no siblings. So when his parents passed away, he inherited everything from the family-- properties, bank savings, stocks and a big house. He's really living on easy street.


  2 out on the street

  有生活舒适的人,就也会有生活艰苦的人。Out on the street 刚好和 easy street 的意思相反,它的意思是:without a job or occupation; idle,一个人没有工作,难以维持生活。

  例句1:I really wish I could find a way to help my brother Bill. He lost his job over a year ago when the company he worked for went bankrupt and he's been out on the street ever since.


  例句2:I work very hard to provide you with a good education. I don't expect you to be a billionaire, but it's up to you whether you want to live on easy street or to be out on the street in the future.
