Example: John baked a cake for Eileen = He baked it for her.
Example: I found John's hat = I found his hat.
Demonstrative pronouns call attention to their antecedents. An antecedent is the word or words to which a pronoun refers.
指示代词将注意力集中在他们的前因上。 先行词是代词所指的词。
Example: The yellow car is his = That is his car.
Reflexive pronouns reflect the action back to the noun or pronoun that has just been named (ends in -self or -selves).
Example: I will find it myself.
提示:当在一个句子中使用代词时,应始终清楚代词所指的是什么或对谁。 句子中的代词太多可能会令人困惑:
Example: He went there to do that, but she didn't know where he was.