
1、省略主语 祈使句中主语通常省略;其它省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。
(1) (I) Thank you for your help.
(2) (I) See you tomorrow.
(3) (It) Doesn’t matter.
(4) (I) Beg your pardon
(1) (There is) No smoking .
(2) (Is there) Anything wrong ?
(3) (Will you) Have a smoke ?
(4) What/How (do you think) about a cup of tea ?
(5) Why (do you) not say hello to him ?
(1) –Are you going there? --Yes, I’d like to (go there).
(2) He didn’t give me the chance, though he had promised to (give me the chance).
(3) –Are you an engineer? --No, but I want to be.
(4) –He hasn’t finished the task yet. --Well, he ought to have.
(1) –Are you thirsty? --Yes, I am (thirsty).
(2) His brother isn’t lazy, nor is his sister (lazy).
(1) Let’s meet at the same place as (we met) yesterday.
(2) –-Have you finished your work ?
---(I have) Not (finished my work) yet.
(1) ( I’m ) Sorry to hear you are ill.
(2) ( It’s a ) Pity that he missed such a good chance.
(1) –Is he coming back tonight? --I think so.
(2) –She must be busy now? --If so, she can’t go with us.
(3) –Is she feeling better today? --I’m afraid not.
(4) –Do you think he will attend the meeting? --I guess not.
这种用法常见的有:How so? Why so? Is that so? I hope so. He said so.及I suppose/believe/hope not.
(1) My father is a doctor and my mother (is) a nurse.
(2) I study at college and my sister (studies) at high school.
(3) When summer comes, the day is getting longer and longer, and the night (is getting) shorter and shorter.
(2) 在定语从句中,that在从句中作宾语时可省略.另外,凡是进行时态和被动语态的定语从句都可省略关系代词和be 动词。
(1)When (he was) still a boy of 10, he had to work day and night.
(2) She tried her best though (she was) rather poor in health.
(3) If (you are) asked you may come in.
(4) If (it is) necessary I’ll explain to you again.
(1)并列的不定式可省去后面的 to.
I told him to sit down and wait for a moment.
(2) help 当“帮助”讲时,后面的宾语或宾补的不定式符号to可带可不带.
I will help (to) do it for you.
I will help you (to) do it.
(3)介词but前若有动词do,后面的不定式不带 to.
The boy did nothing but play.
(4) 某些使役动词(let, make, have)及感官动词(see, watch, hear, notice, observe, feel, look at, listen to等)后面作宾语补足语的不定式一定要省去 to, 但在被动语态中须将to 复原。
I saw the boy fall from the tree.
The boy was seen to fall from the tree.
The boss made us work 12 hours a day.
We were made to work 12 hours a day.
(5) 主语从句中有动词do,后面作表语的不定式的 to可带可不带。
All we can do now is (to) wait.
(6) find 当“发现”讲时,后面作宾语补足语的不定式符号to可带可不带。
We found him (to) work very hard at the experiment.
但如果是不定式 to be,则不能省略。
She found him to be dishonest.
(1)Had they time, they would certainly come and help us.
(2) Were I you, I would do the work better.
(3)Should there be a flood, what should we do?
The sooner (you do it), the better (it will be).
1.(★★★★)John plays football________,if not better than,David.
A.as well B.as well as
C.so well D.so well as
2.(★★★★★)If you go to Xi’an ,you’ll find the places there more magnificent than commonly________.
A.supposing B.supposed
C.to suppose D.suppose
3.(★★★★)—What do you think made Mary so upset?
—________ her bicycle.
A.As she lost B.Lost
C.Losing D.Because of losing
4.(★★★★★)I thought her nice and honest________ I met her.
A.first time B.for the fi
  • magnificent [mæg´nifisənt] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.壮丽的;豪华的   (初中英语单词)
  • dishonest [dis´ɔnist] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.不诚实的   (英语六级单词)