
高二英语Unit8 First aid知识点总复习教案
1. Talk about first aid and medicine. 谈一谈急救和医药。(p.57 Goals No.1)
(1) aid n.帮助,援助 ① She came to my aid. 她会帮助我。② We should give some economic aid to the Third World. 我们应当给予第三世界一些经济援助。
(2) aid v. 帮助,援助,支援 ① I aided her to continue her study. = I aided her in continuing her study. 我帮助她继续做研究。② Your advice aided her to succeed. 你的忠告使她取得了成功。
【短语归纳】with the aid of sb. = with sb.’s aid在某人的帮助下; with the help of sb. = with sb.’s help在某人的帮助下; in aid of为了…… aid sb. to do sth. 帮助某人去做……; aid sb. in/with为……事帮助某人
【拓展】first aid急救;hearing aid助听器;teaching aids教具;visual aids直观教具
★相同点:aid与help作动词时,都有“帮助”之意,有时可通用。如:I aided him in his work. = I helped him with his work.
2. Make sure that electric wires are safe and that children can’t reach them. 确保电线是安全的,孩子们碰不着。(p. 58 Speaking ‘Dos’ No.1)
make sure的用法
(1) make sure that-clause确保…… ① Will you make sure that he returned? 请你查明他是否真的回来了,好吗?② Make sure that you don't upset any of them. 确保不使别人不安。
(2) make sure of确保,确定 ① He's made sure of the time and place. 他确定了时间和地点。②We've made sure of our seats for the movie. 我们已订好电影院的座位了。
【拓展】be sure to do... 一定会……;be sure that... 确信……;be sure of doing... 确信会……;be sure about/of sth. 对……有把握。如:① He said he was not sure about grammar and idioms. 他说他对语法和惯用法没有把握。② Mary is sure to come this afternoon. 玛丽今天下午肯定来。③ Be sure not to be late again. 务必不要再迟到。④ He wanted to be sure that he was looked after. 他要确信自己有人照顾。
【辨析】be sure to do;be sure of doing
be sure to do是主语肯定会做某事;be sure of doing表示主语对做某事有信心。如:① Our football team is sure to win. 我们足球队肯定会赢。② He's sure of passing the exam. 他确信考试会及格。
3. If a pan of oil catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly. 如果油锅着火,要快速关掉煤气盖上锅盖。(p. 58 Speaking ‘Dos’ No.2)
1) catch fire
(1) catch fire着火。强调动作,不与表示一段时间的状语连用。如:① When she was doing the experiment,her
long hair catches fire. 当她做实验时,她的长发着火了。② Don't throw the cigarette about. The dry grass catches fire easily. 别乱丢烟头。干草很容易着火。
(2) on fire着火。表示状态,可以与表示一段时间的状语连用。如:① His house has been on fire for an hour. 他的房子着火一个小时了。② The cottage was on fire last night. 这座农舍昨晚失火了。
【拓展】set fire to sth.放火烧……; set sth. on fire放火烧……; make a fire生火; light a fire点火; put out a fire灭火; play with fire玩火
2) turn off vt. 关掉(煤气、自来水、电灯、电视等)。如:① Turn off the tap before you go out. 外出前要关掉水龙头。② Don't forget to turn off the gas when you finish cooking. 做完饭后,不要忘记关掉煤气。
【注意】turn off的反义词是turn on。
【拓展】turn against背叛;turn in=hand in上交;turn into变成;turn over把……反过来;turn to转到,翻到;turn up开大(音量);turn right=turn to the right向右转;turn away from离开,避开;turn to sb. for help向某人求援;
turn back/around转过身来;turn down拒绝;turn out生产,制造;turn out to be结果是,后来证明是
4. Never leave small things a baby can put in its mouth on the floor or table.绝对不要把孩子可以放进嘴里的东西放在地板或桌子上。(p. 58 Speaking ‘Don’ts’ No.2)
(1) never adv. 决不,永不,一点也不。如:① I never get up on Sunday mornings. 周日早晨我从不早起。② She's never late for appointment. 她赴约从未迟到。③ I'll never forget your kindness. 我绝不会忘记你的好意。
(2) never adv. 从未,尚未,一次也没有(通常和完成时连用)。如:① -- Have you ever been to America? -- No, I've never been abroad. — 你曾去过美国吗? — 没有,我从未出过国。② I have never heard a speech as impressive as this. 我从未听过这么动人的演讲。③ I never had a chance to meet him. 我始终没有机会与他见面。④ She said that she had never been to the Great Wall. 她说她从未到过长城。
(3) never跟其他副词一样,一般置于实义动词之前,be动词、情态动词之后,第一个助动词之后,如以上例句。但有时候置于句中特定词或短语之前以强调该词或短语的否定意味。如:① They spoke never a word to each other. 他们彼此未交谈一句话。② I have never met him and I hope I never will meet him.我从未见过他,并且希望永远不会见到他。
(4) never置于句首,表示加强语气,句子的语序要用倒装。如:① Never have we workers been daunted by difficulties. 我们工人从来没有被困难所吓倒。② Never will my friends Paul forget his first teacher of chemistry. 我的朋友保罗永远不会忘记他的第一位化学老师。
【拓展】运用这个倒装句型的否定意义的副词还有:hardly,seldom,little,not,only,not until, scarcely,no sooner,by no means,at no time,under
  • cottage [´kɔtidʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.村舍;小屋;小别墅   (初中英语单词)
  • abroad [ə´brɔ:d] 移动到这儿单词发声  ad.海外;到处;广泛   (初中英语单词)
  • chemistry [´kemistri] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.化学   (初中英语单词)
  • impressive [im´presiv] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.给人深刻印象的   (高中英语单词)
  • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.说话 a.发言的   (英语六级单词)