
 高二unit 19 短语和语法
1.lie uneasy 不安 lie open 敞开着
lie idle闲置 lie in pieces成为碎片、
lie in prison坐牢 lie hidden 隐藏
2.as far as (1)远到,一直到,到。。。那么远,在。。。范围内(2)据。。。,就。。。引导程度状语从句
as(so) far as I know(can see/ remember)据我所知
as far as sb(sth.) is concerned 就。。。而言,
as far as possible尽可能地,
as far as the eye can see就视力所及的范围
walk as far as the lake一直走到湖边
as soon as 一。。。就;
as long as 只要;
as well as 不仅。。。而且
as much as 多达;像。。。一样程度
as many as 多达;
as much…as 像。。。一样多(程度)
3.go about 从事于,开始干;到处走动;(消息等)流传
People went about one’s own business as usual
go about it 做这件事
I don’t know how to go about solving the problem。
The news went around quickly.
4. after all (1)毕竟(常置于句首,导出原因)
After all his efforts, he failed again.
He didn’t attend the party after all
Don’t sold him. After all, he is only a child.
5.. have mercy on 同情,怜悯
show mercy to 同情,怜悯
at the mercy of sth 任凭。。。摆布;
at the mercy of sb.=at sb’s mercy任凭某人摆布;受某人控制
The match was at the mercy of the weather .
I shouldn’t like to be at the mercy of such a cruel man 我不想让这样残酷的人摆布我。
Your fate is at his mercy.
6.at a reasonable price 以合理的价格
sound reasonable 听起来有道理的
be reasonable 理智点
8. pass judgement on sb.审判某人
9。hope for希望得到
10.be seated 就坐find sb seated 发现某人坐好11.envy sb sth 羡慕某人某物
be the envy of sb成为某人羡慕之物
His new bike is the envy of the students.
12.accuse sb of sth 控告某人某事
13.do the deed实施,付诸于行动
14. have sth ready 把。。。准备好
15。pay sb back 偿还;报答;报复
pay sb back for sb’s kindness报答某人的好心
pay sb. back blow for blow以牙还牙地报复某人
pay off还清
pay for付款;得到报应
16。take sb in one’s arms拥抱某人
17.tear-tore-torn v.撕;撕扯
tear up 撕毁
tear down 拆除;撕掉
tear at 撕扯(指动作)
18.offer up 奉献,贡献
offer up a prayer做祷告
19.with all one’s heart 十分愿意地;真心诚意地
20.on one condition有一个条件
on condition that 在。。。条件下,如果.(引导条件状语从句)
I can lend you money on condition that you return it on time我可以借给你钱,只要你能按时归还。
.on no condition决不
21.accept the terms 接受条件,terms(协议,条款等)条件
22. cost-cost –cost 花费;付出(金钱,代价,劳力等) cost sb sth 使某人丧失;花费某人金钱
His careless driving cost him his life.
The war cost him his home.战争使他失去家园
The book cost him five yuan.这本书花费他五元钱。23,stand in one’s place 代替某人
24。go down on one’s knees 跪下
get down on one’s knees跪下
25.beg sb for sth 请求某人某事
26. forgive sb for sth 原谅某人某事
27。have sb killed杀死某人
28 take one’s life 取某人的性命
29。be dear to sb 对某人宝贵
30 upon one’s death 某人一死后
31。leave sth to sb 把。。遗留某人
32。be worthy of n./being done, be worthy to be done 值得做。。。
The question is worthy of being discussed.
The question is worthy to be discussed.
The question is worthy of discussion.
be worthy of the name名副其实
There is something worthy of notice.
be worth +n./doing 值得。。。
be worth notice/ the trouble/ the effort
The place is worth a visit.
The place is worth visiting .
What is it worth?这值多少钱?
33。in the night 在夜间,at night 在晚上
34.switch seats 换位置
35。cut …in half把。。。切成两半
36.be of much value 很有价值
37。for the sake of为了。。。
38。in secret 秘密地
39. meet with 偶然遇见;遇到;meet 遇见,会见
You may meet with a lot of difficulty.
I will meet my uncle at the airport.
40。stand out for 因为。。。而突出
41。sharp mind敏捷的思维
42。 debating
  • hidden [´hid(ə)n] 移动到这儿单词发声  hide 的过去分词   (初中英语单词)
  • reasonable [´rizənəbəl] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.合理的;有理智的   (初中英语单词)
  • judgement [´dʒʌdʒmənt] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.审判;报应;批评   (初中英语单词)
  • careless [´keəlis] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.粗心的;草率的   (初中英语单词)
  • forgive [fə´giv] 移动到这儿单词发声  vt.原谅,谅解,宽恕   (初中英语单词)
  • worthy [´wə:ði] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.有价值的;值得的   (初中英语单词)
  • uneasy [ʌn´i:zi] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.不安的;不自在的   (高中英语单词)
  • concerned [kən´sə:nd] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.有关的;担心的   (高中英语单词)