
Unit 17 Great Women
1. It has often been said that life is difficult as it is.
①“It is said that …”是常见的句型,意思是“据说,人们说”再如:
It is said that the population of males is larger than that of females in China. 据说中国男性人口高于女性人口。
It is said that he has gone abroad. 据说他已出国了。
这种句型其实是“People say that …”的被动语态。类似结构还有:It is thought that…;It is reported that …;It is believed that …;It is hoped that…等。
②as it is 也是固定的结构,解释“根据现在情况看;就以现在样子”,常用于句子开头或结尾。例如:
I thought things would get better, but as it is they are getting worse.
2. For women it sometimes seems twice as difficult.
该句相当于For women life sometimes seems twice as difficult as it is.
The room is twice bigger than mine.
The room is twice as big as mine.
The room is twice the size of mine.
例句:The house rent is expensive. I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I’m paying ______ here.
A. as three times much B. as much three times
C. much as three times D. three times as much
分析:本句为as…as 比较结构,much后省略了as I paid at home.
表示:“我现在所付竟然是原来的三倍”,three times 应放在as much 之前。故选D。
3.Do you know a woman who really inspires you?
We’re trying to inspire him with confidence. 我们在努力鼓舞他的自信心。
inspiring 鼓舞人的,感动人的,是一个形容词,例如:
We regard Abraham Lincoln as an inspiring leader.
4.What has become of her ?她发生了什么变化?
become of解释“发生……情况;……怎么啦!”相当于happen to …
What will become of the children now that the parents are dead?
I don’t know what has become of him. 我不知道他的遭遇如何。
5.What kind of people do you think they are?
如:Tom is the kind of person who likes outdoor games.
This is the kind of room that I feel at home in.
②本句为常do you think的特殊疑问句用法,其语序为“疑问词+do you think+疑问句的其他部分(陈述语序)”。如:
Who do you think has taken his wallet?
What do you think I have bought for you?
可以这样用的动词还有suppose, guess, believe, imagine, expect.
6.What else, but a journey at the opposite end of the world, Antarctica?
①这是一句省略句,完整的结构是:What else would I do but a journey at the opposite end of the world, Antarctica?句中的but是介词,意为“除了……”,相当于except,常与不定代词、疑问代词等连用。例如:
In winter, bears can do nothing but lie down and sleep.
②else是个形容词,意为“其他的,别的”,不作前置定语,只能用在疑问词where, what, which, who等或不定代词something, anything等后,表示追加说明。如:
Is there anything else you want to say? 你还有什么要说的话吗?
Where else did you go besides Beijing?除了北京,你还到过哪? else的所有格是else’s, 如:
Who else’s advice do you want to take? 你想听谁的劝告?
I’ll have to borrow someone else’s car. 我得借别人的车。
7.Another journey of challenge and danger was about to begin.
②be about to do即将发生的动作或动作刚要开始。如:
The teacher is about to write down the new words.
注意:be about to do 不与表示时间的副词或其他时间状语连用,但可以用在be about to do when…结构中,如:
I was about to leave when the telephone began to ring.
8.But changes were just around the corner.天气即将要变了。
just around the corner意为“Likely to happen soon(即将来临)”,再如:Victory was just around the corner. 胜利即将在眼前。
A big storm was just around the corner.
9.On the third day I was struggling through stormy weather and during the next week the wind grew stronger and I found myself spending a day in my tent.
Seeing a girl struggling in the river, he jumped into the water to save her.
②find oneself ……的意思是“发现自己(处于某种状态);不知不觉地…”例如:生词表:
  • abroad [ə´brɔ:d] 移动到这儿单词发声  ad.海外;到处;广泛   (初中英语单词)
  • expensive [ik´spensiv] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.费钱的,昂贵的   (初中英语单词)
  • inspire [in´spaiə] 移动到这儿单词发声  v.鼓舞;使感悟;吸入   (初中英语单词)
  • challenge [´tʃælindʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.&vt.向….挑战;怀疑   (初中英语单词)
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.难堪的;费劲的   (英语四级单词)
  • lincoln [´liŋkən] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.林肯   (英语四级单词)