
1. The radio says a wild animal zoo is to ____ in our city.
A .be building B. build
C. be built D. built
2. During the last 3 months, another 3000 trees ____ on the mountain.
A. was planted B. were planted
C. have been planted D. have planted
3. We can’t use the bridge now, because it ____.
A. has been repaired B. is repairing
C. is repaired D. is being repaired 4. Many high buildings ___ in our city since I came here.
A .Have been built B. have built
C. Has been built D. has built
5. You can go out if you homework ______.
A. Is done B. will do
C. Will be done D. are finished
6. When your homework ____ , we will go to play football.
A. Is done B. are done
C. Had done D. will be done
7. If he___ enough time, he will come up with an idea.
A. Gives B. will give
C. Is given D. will be given
8. Many years ago, this mountain ___ trees, but now it disappeared.
A. is covered with B. was covered with
C. were covered by D. covered by
9.The problem will _____, as soon as he comes.
A. Worked out B. worked
C. be worked D. be worked out
10. A new film is going to ___ this Sun.
A. show B. showing
C. be shown D. be showing
11. This old machine ___ the room wet.
A. used to keep B. was used to keeping
C. used to keeping D. was used to keep
12. Tom ! You _____on the phone just now, but you _____in.
A. wanted , were B. are wanted , are
C. were wanted , weren’t D. called , aren’t

  • bridge [bridʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.桥(梁);鼻梁;桥牌   (英语四级单词)