
1. ___ is not easy. (A) For cook (B)To cooking (C)Cooking (D) Cook
2. China is a ____country (A) developing (B)develop (C)developed (D) being developed
3. The window is ___. (A) break (B) to break (C) breaking (C)broken
4. Things keep ___. (A) changed (B) changing (C)being changed (D)change
5. The classroom needs____.(A) clean (B) cleaned (C) to clean (D) cleaning
6. Tell ___ back tomorrow. (A) Pam to come (B) Pam come (C)to Pam to come (D)to Pam come
7. Before ___ to the radio, he read newspapers.
(A) listening (B) listened (C) he listening (D) ho listens
8. Do you love___in bed? (A) lying (B) laying (C)lieing (D) lain
9. I find this book ____.(A) interesting (B) interested (C) interest (D) more interest
10. It is time wheat. (A) for sow (B) of sowing (C) to sow (D) to sowing
11. My brother is here study English. (A)for (B)ago (C) to (D) by
12. When was the house ? (A) build (B) has built (C) built (D) has been built
13. He made me ___ it again .(A) to do (B) do (C) that I did (D) doing
14. I heard him ___. (A) say so (B) says so (C) saying so (D) said so
15. The pen ___ belongs to me.
(A) which it is on the table (B) lying on the table (C) is on the table (D) which on the table
16. I'm hungry. Get me something ___. (A) eat (B) to eat (C) eating (D) for eating
17. He is too tired any longer. (A) cannot walk (B) walking (C) to walk (D) walks
18. Who taught you ___ a car? (A) driving (B) to drive (C) riding (D) to ride
19. They want the job ___ by the end of the week. (A) to do (B) done (C) did (D) to be doing
20. She enjoys to light music. (A) on listen (B) to listening (C) listening(D) listened
21. She ___ read her a story.
(A) wants that I (B) wants me for (C) is wanting that I (D) wants me to
22. I've got something ___ you. (A) tell (B) to tell (C) telling (D) for telling
23. Poor Bill couldn't help ___.(A) coughing (B) to cough (C) that he coughed (D) cough
24. I heard them ___ in the room. (A) talked (B) talking (C) to talk (D) have talked
25. He was made ___ . (A) go (B) gone (C) going (D)to go
26. He kept me___for many hours. (A) to wait (B) wait (C) waited (D) waiting
27. Master Wu teaches us ___ the machine. (A) what to do (B) how run (C) how to run (D) run
28. I saw the boy ___ out a moment ago. (A) run (B) runs (C) to run (D) ran
29. She let the children to play. (A) going out (B) that they went out (C)to go out(D) go out
30. we'll have a new hospital over there. (A) build (B) to build (C) built (D) building
31. Have you any other question_. (A)ask (B) for ask (C) to ask (D) asking __?
32. My father wants me to study ___.
(A)engineer (B) for engineer (C) engineering (D) to engineering
33. These young trees require carefully.
(A) looking after (B) to look after (C) look after (D) looking for
34. You must make them their homework. (A) do (B) to do (C) doing (D)that they do
35. Please tell him too hard
(A) don't work (B) to not work (C) not to work (D) not work
36. My brother keeps ___ my work. (A) to help (B) help (C) helping (D) helped
37. I hope him as soon as possible. (A) see (B) seeing (C) to see (D) to have seen
38. He is always thinking of others. (A) helping (B) helps (C) help (D) helped
39. I am sorry the news. (A) hear (B) to hear (C)hearing (D) heard
40. Joe wants us ___ .
(A) to go along with him (B) going along with him. (C)go along with him (D) will go along with him
41. That movie is worth ___.(A) to see (B) to look at (C) seeing (D) to be seen
42. Please ask and see me.
(A) to Bill to come (B) Bill to come (C) to Bill come (D) Bill come
43. Her father didn't let her ___ out with him.
(A) to go (B) go (C) going (D) that she Went
44. Don't you see ___ towards us? (A) he runn
  • seeing [si:iŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声  see的现在分词 n.视觉   (高中英语单词)
  • wanting [´wɔntiŋ, wɑ:n-] 移动到这儿单词发声  a.短缺的;不足的   (英语六级单词)