
初三英语名师金牌讲堂 讲座系列(四)
常见动词:keep, mind, finish, enjoy, practice, advise.
suggest:Jenny suggested leaving for Paris this afternoon.
① 只能跟ing形式 miss(What a miss doing sth.):He missed winning the first prize.
escape: escape being punished(逃避被惩罚)
admit: The thief admitted stealing the purse.(小偷承认偷了钱包。)
risk: risk travelling to the unknown(冒险去没开发地带旅行)

② 既可以跟ing形式,也可以跟to do形式的动词:
oa_db1 stop doing(停止做一件事)
stop to do(停下来做另一件事)

<2> remember/forget doing(记得/忘记做过某事)
remember/forget to do(记得/忘记去做某事)
例①:She still remembers being in hospital the year before last. (她仍然记得前年住过医院。)
例②:Remember to turn off/switch off all the lights when you leave.
例③:He forgot turning off all the lights. How forgetful he is!
例④:I ask him not forget to turn off the TV.(我要求他不要忘记关掉电视。)
例⑤:Don’t forget to post the letters for me.(不要忘记给我寄信。)
【结论:forget to do 常和否定句连用。】

<3> try to do(竭尽全力做某事)
try doing(尝试做某事)
例①:“I knocked at the front door, but no one answered.” “Why not try knocking at the back door?”(“我敲了前门但是没人开。” “为什么不试着敲后门呢?”)
例②:We students should try to study hard.(我们学生应该尽全力认真学习。)

regret to say(遗憾的说)
<4>regret to do regret to tell sb. sth. (遗憾去告诉某人某事) (遗憾去做某事)
regret to inform sb.(遗憾去告知某人)
regret doing(后悔做过某事)
例①:The girl looks sad. How I regret saying so!(这女孩看上去很难过,我真后悔说这啊!)
a large sum of
例②:I regret spending a large amount of money buying you a computer.
so much
例③:I regret to tell you that you’ve failed in the exam again.
例④:I regret to tell you that the ticket was yesterday’s.(我遗憾的告诉你这张票是昨天的。)

<5>mean to do(打算做某事),mean doing(意味着,意思是)
结构:had meant/wanted/hoped to do(本打算做某事)
例①:He had meant to get up early, but there was something wrong with the alarm clock.
例②:I had meant to help you, but I was kept very busy.(我本想帮你,但我总是很忙。)
例③:That you get up too late means missing the flight.(你晚起床意味着错过航班。)
例④:That you never study hard means failing in the test.(你从不努力学习意味着考试不及格。)

oa_db1keep sb. doing sth. (使某人不断做某事)

<2>stop, prevent sb. doing sth. (阻止某人做某事)
例①:We must stop/prevent the rivers (from) being polluted.(我们必须阻止河流被污染。)
例②:We must stop/prevent the plan being carried out.(我们必须阻止这个计划被执行。)

<3>remember sb. doing sth.(记得某人做过某事)
例①:Jenny still remembers John cheating in the test.(珍妮仍然记得约翰在考试中作弊。)
例②:The class teacher remembered students cleaning the classroom yesterday.

<4>imagine sb. doing sth.(想像某人做某事)
例:Tommy imagined himself flying in space.(汤米想像自己在太空飞翔。)

<5>suggest sb. doing sth.(建议某人做某事)
例:The English teacher suggested the students listening to the English programme over the radio. (英语老师建议学生从广播中听英语节目。)

例①:We saw two boys playing basketball outside our house when we opened the door.
例②:He often sees the students play basketball on the playground after school.
例③:He saw the old man stand up and put on a green hat.
He saw an old man wearing a green hat.(他看见一个老人正在戴上绿帽子。)
例④:He noticed himself being photographed.(他意识到自己被偷拍。)

例①:The singer was heard singing loudly alone in the room.
例②:The little boy was seen being beaten by some bad guys.

例①:Hearing the news, he began to cry.(=As he heard the ne
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  • missing移动到这儿单词发声  a.缺掉的;失踪的   (初中英语单词)
  • singer移动到这儿单词发声  n.歌手,演唱者   (初中英语单词)
  • beaten移动到这儿单词发声  beat 的过去分词   (初中英语单词)
  • saying移动到这儿单词发声  n.言语;言论;格言   (高中英语单词)
  • playground移动到这儿单词发声  n.操场;运动场   (高中英语单词)
  • winning移动到这儿单词发声  n.&a.胜利(的)   (英语四级单词)