

第一卷 选择题(六大题,共75分)

6. Where does the conversation probably take place?
A. In a classroom. B. In an office C. In a hospital
7. What are the man and woman doing ?
A. They’re watching TV B. They’re talking about a sports program
C. They’re talking about a movie.
8. Where does the woman tell the man to get into the supermarket?
A. From the entrance B. From the exit C. From the window
9.What does the man want to do?
A. He wants to mend his trousers
B. He wants the woman to mend his trousers
C. He wants the woman to mend his shirt
10. Who’s looking for Lily?
A. The man B. Her boss C. One of her friends
听下面A 、B篇的两段对话和C篇的一段独白,并从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确答案。对话或独白听两遍。
11.What are the man and woman doing?
A. They are talking on the phone.
B. They are having their summer holiday.
C. They are watching the weather report.
12. What’s the weather like in Sanya now?
A. Hot and dry. B. Hot and wet. C. Wet and cool.
13. Where are Mike’s family going to spend their holiday?
A. In Guangdong B. In Guangxi C. In Hainan.
14.Where is the girl from?
A. America. B. Canada. C. England
15. Why does the girl come to China?
A. To see her parents. B. To go traveling C. To find a job
16. What will the girl do next year?
A. She will work in China.
B. She will work in Japan
C. She will stay in her own country.
17. Why will they have to start early tomorrow?
A. It’s a long way to Cheater.
B. There’s only one bus to go to Cheater
C. They will have an early breakfast
18. When will the bus leave?
A. Before 8:30 B. At 8:30 C. After 8:30
19. Where is the first place they will visit?
A. An old palace. B. A beautiful park C. An old market
20. How much should one pay for the palace?
A. £3.15 B. £3.50 C. £8.00
21. Which of the underlined parts has a different pronunciation?
A. cheap B. great C. easy D. least
22. —How was the evening party yesterday?
—We enjoyed ___________ very much.
A. us B. ourselves C. its D. itself
23. Which is __________, an elephant or a tiger?
A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest
24. My mother __________ when I got home.
A. cook B. cooks C. cooked D. was cooking
25.— You see, a man is cutting a tree on the moon.
— It_________ be true. The teacher says there is no air on the moon.
A. can’t B. may not C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t
26.—I’m afraid the meeting has begun.
—Don’t worry. It _______ until the bell ________.
A. doesn’t begin/ rings B. won’t begin/ will ring
C. won’t begin/ rings D. doesn’t begin/ will ring
27. If you are famous, people will watch you _________ and follow you everywhere.
A. all the time B. by the time C. on time D. at times
28.— How have you been recently?
—So far, so good. I’ve __________ my own company.
A. put out B. put on C. put off D. put up
29.—Are you ready to order, sir?
A. Yeah, probably. B. No, thanks.
C. Let me look at the menu first. D. I am afraid I have no time.
30. When something is on fire. People throw sand (沙子) on it to put out the fire. The main use of the sand is to ___________.
A. protect the thing on fire.
B. add weight to the thing on fire.
C. keep the air away from the thing on fire.
D. lower the temperature of the thing on fire.

  • elephant [´elifənt] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.象   (初中英语单词)