
4B Unit1—5
一 找出不同类的单词.(10分)
( )1 A teacher B nurse C boy D student
( )2 A he B I C she D they
( )3 A eighty B old C eleven D thirteen
( )4 A what B where C who D this
( )5 A clock B jacket C skirt D dress
二 翻译下列词组.(10分)
1在树上__________ 2穿着白色的T恤_____________
3那位老太太__________ 4他们的桔子____________
5她的新工作 _________ 6大眼睛的女孩__________
7 want to be _________ 8 Lets hurry!___________
9 come down _________ 10 these or those ___________
三 单选题,在括号内填序号.(10分)
( ) 1. —— Who’s that ________?
—— He’s Miss Li’s student.
A. man B. boy C. father
( ) 2. ——______ you Mike’s uncle?
—— Yes, I am.
A. Is B. Am C. Are
( ) 3 ——Who’s that woman?
——________ my mother.
A. She B. Her C. She’s
( ) 4. Is the girl _____ the tree your sister?
A. in B. on C. at
( ) 5. The boy _____ long hair is very funny.
A. in B. with C. on
( ) 6. —— A:   What would you like?    
  —— B:___________
   A. I like some bananas.
   B. Thank you .
   C. I’d like some grapes.
( ) 7. —— A:   Those or those ?    
—— B:___________
   A . Ten yuan .     B . The red ones.      C.Three kilos.
( ) 8. —— A:  What’s this ?   
 ——  B:___________
   A . They are apples    B . It’s an apple.     C.These are pears.
( ) 9. —— A: Can I help you ?    
—— B:___________
   A . Some apples.       B . Yes.           C. No.
( ) 10 —— A: Where’s Mary ?    
——  B:___________
   A . She’s Mary.     B .I can see her .    C.Sorry, I don’t know .
四. 匹配题(16分)
(   )1. How old are you ?                      A. It’s eleven .
 (    ) 2. What do you want to be ?                 B. No ,they’re peaches a/
 (    ) 3. We’re late for the party .                  C.I’m five. 
(    ) 4. Are they pineapples ?                     D. They’re Helen’s.
(    ) 5. What’s eight plus three ?                  E. Thank you .
 (    ) 6. Welcome to our school .                   F. Thank you .
(    ) 7. Don’t climb trees again.                   G. Yes. Let’s hurry
 (    ) 8. Whose bananas are they ?                  H. Yes,sir.
1. fat that is who woman
2 . long , who’s , woman , the , with , hair ( ? )
3.  those , what , are , mangoes ,they’re ( ? .)
4. sister’s what’s her job doctor she’s a
_________________________? ______________________.
5. like would What you like I’d watermelons five
___________________________? _______________________.
A  Oh, it’s late for school.      
B. It’s seven o’clock.  
C. Yes. Let’s hurry.        
D. Mike, what’s the time now?
七、 根据实际情况回答:(10’)
1. What’s your name?
2. Do you like grapes?
3. How old are you?
4.Is your father a doctor?
5. How old is your mother?

  • jacket [´dʒækit] 移动到这儿单词发声  n.茄克衫;外套   (初中英语单词)