央视英语新闻频道官方微博@CCTVNEWS在一段报道中给出了标准答案:"A new Internet meme has emerged after Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui reacted exaggeratedly to her personal best performance in Rio 2016 women's backstroke semi-final. "I've been utilizing prehistorical powers." she told CCTV reporter. Her comment has also become part of the meme."
I've been utilizing prehistorical powers......prehistorical意思是史前的,用它指代洪荒,蛮贴切的。你感觉如何呢?或者有没有更传神的翻译?
@__Voyager__:其实在英文中已经有counterpart了。私译为:I have the Force with me. 西方人民喜闻乐见的星球大战里,原力就是这么个力。
@winter冬冬 winter: 突然想到功夫熊猫里面有句话"I knew I didn't eat up to my potential(我就知道我没发掘出自己吃这方面的潜力)"。"我已经使出洪荒之力"的译法也可以参考下这个,说成"I have swum up to my potential."
"58秒95?啊?我以为是59秒。我有这么快?我很满意!""58,95 ? ! I thought I did 59 seconds! Am I that fast? I am very pleased!"
"没有保留,我已经......我已经......用了洪荒之力了!""I wasn't holding back, I have given my full play!"
"我 用了三个月做了这样的恢复,鬼知道我经历了什么,真的太辛苦了,有的时候感觉我已经要死了,奥运会训练真的生不如死。""It took me three months to get back to this level, you have no idea what I've been through. It was tough like hell. Sometimes I felt I couldn't survive this. Training for the Olympics was killing."
"没有,我已经很满足了。""Not at all! I am already very pleased!"