电影《华尔街之狼》(The Wolf of Wall Street)中,莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)饰演上世纪90年代臭名昭著的骗子乔丹·贝尔福特(Jordan Belfort)。贝尔福特对自己卓尔不群的推销能力颇感骄傲,也确实骗走了投资者数亿美元。马丁·斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)执导的《华尔街之狼》是一部有关犯罪故事的喜剧巨制,由特伦斯·温特(Terence Winter)改编自贝尔福特的同名自传。在这部长达三个小时的影片中,你会听到连续不停的大呼小叫,并看到耸人听闻的恶劣行为,如吸毒、酗酒、放荡、堕落和扔侏儒等。这部电影是想还原那位低价股操纵大师有趣甚至是有意义的人生。但我实在不能买账,也等不到这个空虚故事演完的那一刻。但这并非对迪卡普里奥的批评。他倾情演绎了一个没心没肺的角色。我们不妨认为,他对这个贪婪角色拿捏得游刃有余,且颇有喜感,其他人的表演也都一级棒。
In 'The Wolf of Wall Street,' Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jordan Belfort, the
celebrated crook of the 1990s who prided himself on his
ability to sell anything and did in fact swindle investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars. Martin Scorsese's epic-scale
comedy of criminality, adapted by Terence Winter from Mr. Belfort's book of the same name, is selling three hours of
incessant shouting and sensationally bad behavior-mud wrestling without the mud that includes drugs, booze, debauchery, degeneracy and dwarf-throwing. It's meant to be an entertaining, even meaningful
representation of the penny-stock maestro's life and times. But I couldn't buy it, and couldn't wait for the hollow
spectacle to end.
That's no knock on Mr. DiCaprio, who throws himself, heart and soul, into a
character with deep deficits in both departments. Let's stipulate that his
extravagant embodiment of
excess is
extremelyskillful and very funny, and put other stipulations on record as well.
然而那种喧闹最终会使你厌烦。我的感觉是,挨过第一个小时,而后面还要再演两个小时。贝尔福特在发表他自私的告别演说时坚持认为,他的公司Stratton Oakmont就是美国。也许是吧,但有关那段贪婪时期的任何有意义的观点都被欢乐的故事呈现所弱化了。这部电影很可能会大卖:骇人听闻的亡命之徒总是很有吸引力的,而卑鄙小人的落马也总是大快人心。但看《华尔街之狼》需要大把时间,看完后受益甚微。
Jonah Hill, equipped with phosphorescent teeth and a manic affect, is often hilarious as Jordan's
partner in the sleazy firm of Stratton Oakmont. So is Matthew McConaughey in a madcap soliloquy on masturbation and the need to stay relaxed. The film does full justice to its denizens'
devotion to cocaine, Quaaludes and heroin, and to morphine, which Jordan takes 'because it's awesome.' The Scorsese touch is everywhere in evidence: swirling set pieces (Stratton Oakmont's
boiler room, full of rabid brokers, as a Roman bacchanal),
spectacular camera moves (Rodrigo Prieto was the cinematographer), and all of it heightened and sharpened by Thelma Schoonmaker's editing. Some of the settings are enjoyable, up to a point, for their tacky sumptuousness: I liked the trashing of a Lamborghini Countach. And sharp-witted scenes do play out from time to time on a human scale. In one of them, a couple of FBI agents engage the wily Jordan in a game of cat-and-rat.