
硬件价高著称的苹果公司(Apple Inc.)正在欣然接受"免费"这一营销手段的力量。该公司周二称,将向许多用户免费提供很多最受欢迎的软件,其中包括最新版的OS X操作系统。这一表态令业界感到吃惊。

Apple Inc. (AAPL), famous for charging a premium for hardware, is embracing the marketing power of free.

此举不仅是对竞争对手微软(Microsoft Corp.)发出的一个警告,也能帮助苹果公司将用户更加牢固地留在自己由设备、应用和内容构成的移动生态系统中。

The company surprised the industry on Tuesday by saying it would make many of its most-popular software programs, including the latest version of its OS X operating system, free to many users.

Gartner的分析师Van Baker称,苹果公司关心的是让用户与苹果应用和生态系统进行不断的互动,使用户意识到这些应用在Mac、iPad和iPhone中都能运行,是全方位自动同步的。

The move is a shot across the bow at rival Microsoft Corp. (MSFT). But it can also help Apple tie users more tightly into its ecosystem of devices, applications and content.


'What they're concerned about is getting people exposed to their applications and ecosystem, and getting them aware these apps run on your Mac, iPad and iPhone, and it all syncs automatically,' said Van Baker, an analyst at Gartner.


Apple's move is part of a broad shift in technology, away from treating software and hardware as separate products. That concept underpinned the personal-computer industry for decades and made Microsoft, at one time, the world's most-valuable company.

这其中也包括微软。该公司从本周开始发售新款Surface平板电脑,同时也在试图完成以70亿美元收购诺基亚公司(Nokia Co., NOK)旗下手机业务的交易。微软朝着移动硬件的进军由其利润相当丰厚的个人电脑软件业务提供资金支持。该公司的移动硬件业务到目前为止尚未盈利,其利润的大头仍来自个人电脑软件业务。微软负责企业沟通事务的高管Frank Shaw周三在博客上称,微软最新平板电脑配备了Office办公软件。

With the rise of smartphones and tablets, however, a growing number of tech firms are adopting an integrated approach as a way to improve the user experience.


That includes Microsoft, which began selling a new version of its Surface tablet this week and is also in the process of completing a $7 billionacquisition of Nokia Corp.'s handset business. Microsoft's push into mobile hardware--unprofitable so far--is bankrolled by its extremely lucrative PC-software business, which still accounts for the lion's share of its profits. In a blog post Wednesday, Microsoft communications executive Frank Shaw said its Office suite of workplace applications is included in Microsoft's newest tablets.

如今,苹果正在把这一模式进一步应用到设备上,包括Mac品牌的个人电脑产品线上。苹果周二说,将为最新版OS X操作系统Mavericks提供免费升级,自2007年开始,大多数Mac电脑就搭载这一系统。该公司还说,将不再针对新Mac电脑、iPad、iPhone和iPod Touch平台的两个主要软件套装收费。这两种软件套装就是iLife和iWork,能够对图片、视频和音乐进行组织和编辑,还包括用于办公的应用软件。

Unlike Microsoft, Apple's roots are in selling hardware. It always viewed software as a way to differentiate its products in order to charge a premium for its hardware. That was most true with the iPhone and iPad, where free software updates became a way to keep its products ahead of rivals in the intervals between hardware changes in the fast-moving smartphone and tablet world.

苹果负责软件工程的高级副总裁费代里吉(Craig Federighi)在周二的发布会上说,花上几百美元来让你的电脑发挥最大功用的时代已经过去了。

Now it is further extending that model on its devices, and to its Mac line of PCs. Apple Tuesday said it would offer free upgrades to its latest OS X, known as Mavericks, that work with most Macs made since 2007. The company also said it will no longer charge for its two main application-software suites for new Macs, iPads, iPhones and iPod Touch devices. Those suites, iLife and iWork, handle photo, video and music organizing and editing, as well as workplace applications.

在本周之前,Mac电脑的重大软件升级苹果都会收费。苹果推出前一版OS X操作系统Mountain Lion时,老Mac用户要为升级支付20美元。苹果还要求老用户为新版本的iWork和iLife付费。

'The days of spending hundreds of dollars to get the most of your computer are gone,' said Craig Federighi, Apple's senior vice president of software engineering, at the press event on Tuesday.

从过往数据来看,不管成本如何,苹果用户的软件升级速度都快于其他用户。苹果在6月份说,35%的Mac电脑用户在Mountain Lion发布仅仅一年之后就升级到了这个版本。相比之下,根据Net Applications.com的数据,自微软去年推出Windows 8以来,只有8%的用户升级到了这个最新版的操作系统。

Prior to this week, Apple charged for major software upgrades to Macs. When the company introduced the previousversion of OS X, Mountain Lion, it charged existing Mac users $20 for the upgrade. It also required existing customers to pay for new versions of iWork and iLife.

但与iPhone用户免费升级软件的速度相比,Mac电脑用户的速度仍相形见绌。今年6月,苹果首席执行长库克(Tim Cook)说,93%的iPhone用户已经用上了当时最新版的操作系统iOS 6,而此时距该软件发布只有9个月。

Apple customers have historically upgraded their software more quickly than other users, despite any cost. In June, Apple said 35% of Mac users had upgraded to Mountain Lion just a year after its release. By comparison, only 8% of customers have upgraded to Windows 8, the latest version of Microsoft's operating system, since its launch last year, according to Net Applications.com.

免费为OS X提供升级将令原本使用老版本操作系统的用户得以体验存储和数据同步服务iCloud的最新功能。该服务可能会鼓励用户购买更多的苹果产品,因为它的设计初衷就是为了实现多个设备的连接。

But the Mac adoption rate pales in comparison to that on iPhones with their free software. In June, CEO Tim Cook said that 93% of iPhones had the latest operating system at the time, iOS 6, about nine months after it was released.


分析人士说,提供免费升级的另一个好处就是让更多用户获得相同的体验。比如,据研究公司Chitika Insights的数据,绝大多数Mac电脑拥有者仍然在分散使用三个版本的OS X。因为用户使用不同的操作系统,这使得软件开发变得更加复杂。使尽可能多的用户改用最新版操作系统可以节省开发成本,让苹果专注于开发能吸引更多用户的新功能。

Offering updates to OS X for free will allow customers who ran computers with older software to have access to the latest features of iCloud, Apple's storage and data-synchronization service. The service could encourage users to buy more Apple products because it is designed to connect devices.

Daisuke Wakabayashi / Ian Sherr