
不出意外的话,史书上的2013年将有这样的描述:这一年,很多厨师摆脱了油腻烹饪,他们抛开了猪油,去发掘那些被错过了的味道。这几年厨师们为食客奉上了诸多狂饮滥吃的盛宴,这一点任何追溯过美国时髦餐厅历程的人都可以证明。我所说的这种烹调美学可以用几年前美食作家乔希·欧泽斯基(Josh Ozersky)发明的一个很能引起共鸣的词来形容:"脂肪主义"(lardcore)。什么油炸猪尾、培根芥末蛋、像曲棍球棒子一样大的牛髓骨、鹅肝炸面圈......这个名单可以一直排下去。黄油和奶油的滔滔巨河不动声色地流淌过各种菜肴:它们要么被涂在烤肉烤鱼上头、要么用来增稠酱料、亦或只是随时给那些不够出彩的菜肴做做修补润色。

GOD WILLING, 2013 will go down in history as the year chefs emerged from the haze of fat-forward cooking, rubbed the lard from their eyes and discovered all the flavor they were missing.

弗吉尼亚州亚历山德里亚市(Aleandria)Restaurant Eva餐厅的主厨兼老板卡塔尔·阿姆斯特朗(Cathal Armstrong)是最先"求饶"的人之一。他加入了第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama)发起的与儿童肥胖问题做斗争的"Let's Move!"活动,随后减掉了50磅体重。在这之后,他开始把视线投向了餐厅顾客的身上:是否也该让食客们从那套他为自己和自己的孩子们设定的营养标准中获得些好处?于是,阿姆斯特朗开始研究起了相关的菜肴制作和食材配比。他做了一些实验,用更有营养的食物代替高卡路里低营养的食物。在这个过程中,他发现无需以往所用的那么多油盐就可以做出想要的味道,并且这些味道比之前的还要好。

Anyone who has logged time tableside at America's trendier restaurants can attest to the full-throttle bender on which chefs have escorted diners in recent years. The cooking aesthetic I'm talking about is summed up quite evocatively in a term coined a couple of years ago by the food writer Josh Ozersky: lardcore. Deep-fried pig tails. Bacon deviled eggs. Marrow bones the size of hockey sticks. Foie gras doughnuts. The list goes on. Then there are the rivers of butter and cream that course through these meals unseen, basting meats and fish, thickening sauces or simply as an insurance policywhenever a dish's oomph is in doubt.


Cathal Armstrong, chef-owner of Restaurant Eve in Alexandria, Va., has been among the first to cry 'uncle.' After joining first lady Michelle Obama's 'Let's Move!' campaign against childhood obesity and subsequently shedding 50 pounds of his own, Mr. Armstrong set his sights on his restaurant guests: Shouldn't they benefit from the same nutritional standards he sets for himself and his kids? So Mr. Armstrong began tinkering with preparations and proportions, experimenting with trading the calorie-dense and nutrition-light for more nourishing fare. In the process, he discovered that the flavors he could achieve without all the fat and salt weren't just passable; they were actually better.

秉承着这一理念,阿姆斯特朗不动声色地把他的Restaurant Eve餐厅改造成了健康高端饮食的典范,比如:黄油和面粉做成的老式法国浓酱,现已被清新的色拉调味汁以及没有掺杂其他食材、富含蛋白质的原汁肉汤取代;奶油被自制的希腊酸奶取代;至于像鹿肉和羚羊肉这样的原生态低脂野味,则成为了必备原料。此外,虽然肋眼牛排还在菜单之上,但因为牛是放养的,所以瘦肉比较多,牛排不但分量比较小,并且旁边还配有适量的蔬菜。至于餐厅的水──无论是白开水还是气泡矿泉水──都是免费的,这是因为阿姆斯特朗相信水对于平衡饮食来说至关重要。

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