

In the future, your doctor may prescribe you a videogame.

加州大学旧金山分校(University of California, San Francisco)科学家的一项突破性研究发现,通过玩专门设计的电子游戏,年龄较长的成年人改善了多重任务处理、维持注意力等认知控制能力,而且这些效果可以持续很久。

In a groundbreaking new study at the University of California, San Francisco, scientists found that older adults improved cognitive controls such as multitasking and the ability to sustain attention by playing a specially designed videogame -- and that the effects can be long lasting.


The study, to be published in the scientificjournal Nature on Thursday, is part of a broader effort to understand whether specially designed videogames can help treat neurological disorders, such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and even depression.

论文的共同作者、加州大学旧金山分校神经科学成像中心(Neuroscience Imaging Center)主任亚当·加扎利(Adam Gazzaley)说,这项新的研究"有力地证明了老年人的大脑是多么有可塑性"。加扎利也是Akili Interactive Labs共同创始人兼顾问;这是一家专门设计上述类型电子游戏的初创公司。

The new study 'is a powerful example of how plastic the older brain is,' said Adam Gazzaley, a director of the UCSF Neuroscience Imaging Center and a co-author of the study. Mr. Gazzaley is also the co-founder and adviser of Akili Interactive Labs, a startup focused on designing these types of videogames.


This research turns the traditional view of games on its head.


Much of the research linking videogames to our minds has focused on its detrimental effects. There is some evidence, for instance, that playing violent games, heightens aggression in players and hurts the brain's ability to process emotions.

但越来越多的研究也在考察电子游戏和"认知控制"之间的关联。认知控制(cognitive control)指大脑的信息处理功能,比如记忆、专注、决策和创造等。据2010年的一项研究表明,专业游戏玩家的反应速度堪比战斗机飞行员。前不久另一项研究也表明,玩电子游戏与老年人的情绪健康状况之间存在强烈相关性。

However, an expanding body of research is looking at the link between videogames and so-called cognitive control, or the brain's information-processing functions, such as memory, attention, decision-making and creativity. According to one 2010 study, professional gamers had response times comparable to fighter jet pilots. Another recent study showed a strong correlation between videogame play and the emotionalwell-being of senior adults.


In the UCSF report, scientists spent about a year designing 'NeuroRacer,' a computer game in which a user navigates a race car along a winding track, while also hitting a button on a controller, whenever a green circle appears. The game is designed to challenge a person's multitasking ability -- to push them to switch between distinct tasks, rapidly and accurately. As part of the study, older participants (aged 60 to 85 years) trained on the game for 12 hours over the course of the month.


The study found that after training, the older adults were able to perform at a higher level than untrained 20-year-olds and that the positive effects lasted for at least six months.

65岁的参与者、前房地产公司高管安·林斯利(Ann Linsley)说,在玩"神经赛车手"之前她很难集中注意力。起初她觉得这款游戏玩起来非常恼火,但据她说,几个小时过后,"某种东西活跃起来了"。游戏变得容易起来,她注意到现实生活中的事情也更容易处理。林斯利说:"感觉像大脑更好使了一样——哪怕只是在游戏里面开车。"

Ann Linsley, 65, a participant in the study and a former real estate executive, says before NeuroRacer, she had difficulty focusing. At first, she found the game very frustrating but after several hours, Ms. Linsley says 'something snapped.' The game became easier and she noticed that real life tasks were easier to manage. 'I feel like my brain is working better -- even if it is just to drive a car in a videogame,' Ms. Linsley says.


According to researchers, Ms. Linsley's improvements are rooted in the brain's plasticity, or ability to mold itself, even in older age, and the apparent interconnectivity of our brains' cognitive control functions.


As we age, humans are increasinglyaffected by distractions and have more trouble switching between tasks. The UCSF researchers, however, theorized that this decline of cognitive control isn't fixed, and that the brain can improve with the right stimuli.


The idea, according to Mr. Gazzaley, was that putting pressure on the brain in one area of cognitive control -- in this instance, multitasking -- could create a positive halo effect, improving other aspects of cognitive control. After NeuroRacer training, the brain scans of older adults began to show activity in the prefrontal cortex- -- the area most associated with cognitive control -- similar to that of younger adults. They also showed improved performance in tests for memory and sustained attention.


Though the research is early, the findings raise the question of whether videogames can be designed and targeted to rewire our brains to fight a range of brain disorders. One hope is that these therapies can replace or reduce the use of prescription medications or more invasive medical procedures.

Akili公司正在开发新版本的"神经赛车手",并已授权其他公司使用游戏背后的知识产权,以开发一款视觉丰富的版本。Akili正在申请美国食品药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration)批准它把这款游戏归类为注意力缺陷多动症的一个治疗手段。

A new version of NeuroRacer is being developed by Akili, which has licensed the intellectual property behind the game to create a graphically rich version. Akili is working to get approval from the Food and Drug Administration to classify its game as an ADHD treatment.


But the path to market can be a slow process. The NeuroRacer study took about four years and it could take years to reach FDA approval, if it ever does.

Evelyn M. Rusli