
你的袜子星期几",汤姆·福特(Tom Ford)问道。黄昏已近,在福特挑高的伦敦办公室里,这位52岁的设计师与我相隔一张整洁光亮的桌子对坐着。他一如既往地打扮得一丝不 ,汤姆·福特套装搭配汤姆·福特领带,金色的领针闪闪发光──这是他自己所诠释的完美男士风尚。

'WHAT DAY IS your sock?' Tom Ford asks.


It is approaching late afternoon in Ford's high-ceilinged London office, and I am sitting across a sleek table from the 52-year-old designer who, as always, is immaculately dressed-Tom Ford suit, Tom Ford tie, a gold Tom Ford collar bar gleaming-his own flawless vision of masculine style.


What day is my sock? I'm confused by Ford's question.

哦,天哪。别提袜子的事了。今天我已对自己的着装给予了巨大的重视──至少在我看来是巨大的重视,因为要来见汤姆·福特。这位先生经过在古驰(Gucci)、伊夫 罗兰(Yves Saint Laurent)以及在个人同名品牌的创作和耕耘,开创并奠定了二十余载的男装和女装风格。福特不仅设计出了汤姆·福特品牌的时装,更使其具有了鲜明的个人特色,自己成为了品牌的幕前代言人:他潇 、自信,是高端奢华的名流,甚至Jay-Z在今年夏天发表的歌曲名称就是简单醒目的"汤姆·福特"。我并不指望一向邋遢的自己能让福特对我另眼相看,但也没打算搞得一塌糊涂。在酒店里,我花了整整一个小时精心打扮,大概比平时多了59分钟。因为一篇紧急的稿件,我的棉质海军蓝套装被仓促打包,又因为七个小时的航班而满是皱褶。我带上了自己最好的衬衫,还有一条体面的领带。

'Is this the right day?' Ford asks.

但是我只带了一双袜子。这袜子还是有点傻气的 诞礼物,已经有些年头了:黑色,袜口上绣着星期几──星期一、星期二、星期三,等等。穿上它们的时候我心里就有种负罪感,只盼福特不会注意到。我太蠢了。细节正是福特所看重的,或许所有时装设计师也都是这样──一条连衣裙如何凸显女性颈部曲线;一件优质西装如何使男性肩部更加挺阔,像盔甲一样赋予其不可侵犯的感觉。不意外福特会注意到我那可笑的旧袜子上写着星期几。

Oh, dear. Not the socks. Great care-or at least my version of great care-has gone into my wardrobe today, given that I've come to see Tom Ford, a man who, through his creativity and energy at Gucci and Yves Saint Laurent and now his own eponymous label, helped originate and define a quarter-century of men's and women's style. Ford not only created a Tom Ford look but personified it, becoming a face in front of the label: rakish, confident, a celebrity of luxury, to the point that Jay-Z would release a track this summer entitled, simply, 'Tom Ford.' I wasn't about to get my schlumpy self into a fashion face-off with Ford, but I also didn't want to be a total shambles. A solid hour was spent primping-roughly 59 minutes longer than my usual primp-back at the hotel. A cotton navy suit, crumpled by a seven-hour flight, was rushed off for a last-minute press. I brought my best shirt. The good tie.


But the socks-I'd packed only one pair. They were a silly Christmas present, several years old: black socks sewn with the days of the week at the top-Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. I pulled them on with a feeling of dread, hoping Ford wouldn't notice. Foolish. Details are what Ford does, perhaps as well as any fashion designer ever has-the way a dress caresses the curve of a woman's neck, the way a fine suit settles crisply on a man's shoulders, imbuing him with a sense of impenetrability, like armor. Of course Ford is going to notice the day of the week written on a goofy old sock.


The sock reads Thursday. It's Wednesday.

福特的说话方式巧妙而有洞察力,并非是一种贬低。居高临下不是他的风格。私下里,人们在福特身上最先注意到的特质就是他的谦逊有礼──他的演员朋友丽塔·威尔逊(Rita Wilson)称之为"礼貌至极";诸如握手、开门之类的简单举止都显得温文尔雅,好似上一个时代的重现。这些也许只是细枝末节,但是这些细节在汤姆·福特的世界里事关重大。这个彬彬有礼而又喜欢掌控的男人总是打扮得好像马上要去拍照一样,哪怕是在他并不愿意被拍的时候。据艺术家丽莎·艾斯纳(Lisa Eisner)回忆,她在洛杉矶接福特一起去看电影,发现他穿着一套西装。"他才不会穿休闲短裤",艾斯纳说。"不管你在哪遇到他,他总是看起来完美无缺。"

'You're in Tokyo,' he says helpfully. 'It's Thursday in Tokyo.'

如今福特回归了。"回归"这个词恰当吗?听起来有点可笑,因为福特从未真正走远、离开、蓄起蓬乱的胡子──他最主要的专业玩票行为就是在洛杉矶拍了一部电影,该片也并非沧海一粟──但是在2000年代中期,他在时尚界低调开启的第二幕演出,如今绝对已成为主流焦点。多梅尼科·德索莱(Domenico De Sole)是福特在古驰时代的合作伙伴,他说这位设计师喜欢把自己的系列作品称为"21世纪第一个真正的奢侈品牌"。该品牌全球共有81家零售店,其中两家旗舰店刚刚在芝加哥和达拉斯开业,还有几十家正在筹备中。今年早些时候,福特的女装系列在伦敦时装周首次亮相,发布会规模盛大,这是他在近10年来的第一个全女装秀。贾斯汀·廷伯莱克(Justin Timberlake)穿了汤姆·福特的礼服,蕾哈娜(Rihanna)穿了汤姆·福特的过膝长靴,一套线条流畅的西装则穿在了007本人、丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig)的身上。今年秋季,他将发布一系列男士护肤品。在退出江湖近十年之后,他又回到了风口浪尖,随之而来的是更长的工作时间、更多的批评以及商业上的压力。但如今他的名字依然能够频频亮相纽约各大媒体。行家出手,绝不失手。

Ford says this in a sly, observant way. Not a put-down. Condescending is not his style. One of the first things people notice about Ford in person is his politeness-what his friend, the actress Rita Wilson, calls his 'extremely good manners'; the way a simple act like a handshake or opening a door becomes a suave, elegant gesture, a throwback to another era. Little things, perhaps, but little things matter in the world of Tom Ford, a man of refinement and control, always dressed as if he's about to be photographed, even when he doesn't want to be photographed. Artist Lisa Eisner recalls picking Ford up to go to the movies in Los Angeles and finding him dressed in one of his suits. 'He is not going to wear cargo shorts,' Eisner says. 'He is always going to look impeccable, no matter where you catch him.'


NOW FORD IS BACK. Is 'back' even the right word? It sounds a bit ridiculous, because Ford never really went away, dropped out, grew a Lebowski beard-his biggest professional detour was making a film in Los Angeles, hardly a cabin in the woods-but there is the unmistakable sense that his second act in fashion, modestly relaunched in the mid-2000s, is only hitting full steam now. Domenico De Sole, Ford's business partner since their Gucci days, says the designer is fond of calling his line the 'first true luxury brand of the 21st century.' There are 81 stores globally-two new flagships just opened in Chicago and Dallas-with dozens more to come. Earlier this year, Ford debuted a womenswear collection with a major show at London Fashion Week, his first full-on runway show for women in nearly 10 years. That's a Tom Ford tuxedo on Justin Timberlake, above-the-knee Tom Ford boots on Rihanna, a streamlined Tom Ford suit on 007 himself, Daniel Craig. And this fall he's launching a line of men's grooming products. After removing himself from the game almost a decade ago, he has returned to the vortex, with its long hours and abundantcritical and commercial pressures. But now it is his name alone, in striking Gotham book font. His vision, no exceptions.

现在,福特在时尚界的经历已成为了业界传奇:曾是演员的他生于德克萨斯州,长于新墨西哥州的 菲(Santa Fe),上世纪80年代决定进入时尚界而成为了设计师凯西·哈德威克(Cathy Hardwick)的学徒,之后转投佩里·埃利斯(Perry Ellis),1990年又到了古驰,在那里,年轻而又默默无闻的福特将这个衰落中的品牌变成了全球奢侈品界的翘楚。经过福特打造的古驰充满趣味,设计和营销都是大师级的,前卫和冒险成分都恰到好处,完美迎合了当时活跃的经济。

'I'm at a point in my life where I want to make the very best,' Ford says matter-of-factly. 'That's what interests me. If it's not the best, I don't want to make it.'

之后的2004年,在一场与公司新任东家的决策权争夺中,福特全身而退──突然地、彻底地。他移居洛杉矶,买下了几个高尔夫俱乐部。"我以为自己会就此退休",福特说。"但那只是想象。那种生活只会让人感到疲惫和倦怠。"一年之后,福特投身于眼镜、香水和化妆品的设计(姓名使用权授予了马尔科林集团(Marcolin Group)和雅诗兰黛(Estee Lauder)),但是又有意把使用范围仅限于这几类产品。他说,"那时,我并不确定自己还会做什么。"

By now the basics of Ford's fashion biography are industry legend: the Texas-born, Santa Fe, New Mexico-raised former actor who willed himself into the trade in the '80s as an apprentice under designer Cathy Hardwick, then on to Perry Ellis, then to Gucci in 1990, where the young unknown Ford transformed a foundering brand into a global luxury powerhouse. Gucci under Ford was lavishly fun, expertly designed and marketed, just the right amount of edgy and dangerous-a perfect match for the go-go economy of its time.

如许多人所预期的那样,电影吸引了他。2009年福特的导演处女作《单身男子》(A Single Man)好似一个帅气光鲜的珠宝盒。影片根据克里斯托弗·伊舍伍德(Christopher Isherwood)的小说改编,讲述的是一个大学教授的一天,他因为同性伴侣的去世而无法振作。这部由科林·弗斯(Colin Firth)领衔主演的电影正如人们对福特期待的那样,是一部华丽的视觉盛宴,但它更因为对于六十年代初期同性恋的全情诠释而受到赞誉。不仅电影广受好评,弗斯也获得了奥斯卡提名。福特开玩笑说,在《单身男子》获得成功之后,他才听说有些人曾对他的电影热情持怀疑态度。"我之前并不知道他们都觉得我疯了",他笑着说。"在好莱坞,人们相互之间从不说负面意见。我觉得这很有趣。俗话说:'和和气气度一生'。所言极是。"

Then, in 2004, amid a struggle for control with the company's new owners, Ford walked away. Suddenly. Completely. He decamped to L.A., bought golf clubs. 'I thought I was going to retire,' Ford says. 'Fantasy. It was just exhaustion and burnout.' A year later, Ford dipped into eyewear, fragrances and cosmetics (licensing his name to the Marcolin Group and Est