
谁是黑莓(BlackBerry)的救星?那个号称加拿大巴菲特(Warren Buffett)的人。这家陷入四面楚歌境地的智能手机制造商宣布,Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited牵头的一个财团提出以每股9美元收购该公司。消息一出,投资界为之震动。Fairfax是黑莓的最大股东,持有其约10%的股份。

Who is BlackBerry's savior: The so-called Warren Buffett of Canada.

这个消息披露前一个月,Fairfax的老板沃特萨(Prem Watsa)从黑莓董事会辞职,当时黑莓称将寻求出售。沃特萨辞职被普遍认为是他要收购黑莓的序曲。

The beleaguered smartphone maker stunned the investing world by announcing it had an offer for $9 a share from a consortium led by Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited, the largest holder of the company with about 10%.


The announcement comes a month after Fairfax's boss Prem Watsa stepped down from the BlackBerry board as the company announced it would seek a sale . Mr. Watsa's resignation was widely viewed precursor to him making a bid.

2012年1月,沃特萨加入黑莓董事会,当时黑莓的两位创始人辞去了联席首席执行长的职务,由现任老板海因斯(Thorsten Heins)接管黑莓。那时的黑莓正处于动荡时期,投资者都乐于看到一位知名的价值投资者在此时加入该公司董事会。

Mr. Watsa is often called Canada's version of Mr. Buffett, the famed U.S. investor.


The Canadian version joined the BlackBerry board in January 2012 , as the two founders gave up their co-CEO roles and current boss Thorsten Heins took the helm. Investors at the time were happy to see a famous value investor join the board amid the turmoil.

沃特萨从一家货运保险公司干起,逐渐打造出了投资平台Fairfax,这些年收购了多个财险公司。之后,他开始进行广泛投资。这个策略与巴菲特类似,巴菲特正是利用伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)的核心保险业务来为其投资活动提供资金。

He has long maintained that he is confident in RIM's long-term prospects and said the company is undervalued.


Mr. Watsa built his investing platform Fairfax from a trucking insurance firm, acquiring other property and casualty insurance firms over the years. He then began investing broadly, a similar tactic to Mr. Buffett, who uses the core insurance operations of Berkshire Hathaway to fund investing activities.

此外,沃特萨每年都向追随者写一封详尽、亲切的长信,而且每年都要踏上前往内布拉斯加州的朝 之旅,参加巴菲特举办的一年一度的投资狂欢节。除此之外,沃特萨一般都尽量避免抛头露面。

Among Mr. Watsa's high-profile scores was a bet against rising U.S. housing process that registered more than $2 billion in gains.


He also updates followers with long, detailed and folksy annual letters and has been known to make the pilgrimage to Nebraska for Mr. Buffett's annualinvestment carnival. Otherwise, Mr. Watsa avoids the limelight.


But in 2002, in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Fairfax took a big loss , prompting Mr. Watsa to tell investors the loss was 'not a typo' and host his first-ever quarterly conference call. Shares of the firm were battered and some investors chided the firm for failing to live up to a reputation like Mr. Buffett's.


The company had to fiercely battle short sellers it accused of market manipulation, including filing a lawsuit that alleged salacious claims and bold-faced lies were being spread by short-sellers. Regulators investigated both sides, according to reports.

此外,在收购黑莓这笔交易中将沃特萨比作巴菲特还有一个原因。他目前的顾问公司是BDT & Co.,这是特洛特(Byron Trott)旗下的一个精品投资公司,而特洛特以前曾供职高盛(Goldman),是巴菲特最中意的银行家。

The stock ultimately recovered and is recently trading at $416 a share.

美银美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)和蒙特利尔银行(BMO)以前也曾为沃特萨提供咨询服务。

Meanwhile, Mr. Watsa scored another reason to be compared to Mr. Buffett in the BlackBerry deal. He is advised by BDT & Co., the boutique investment firm of Byron Trott, the former Goldman banker known as Mr. Buffett's favorite banker.

David Benoit

Mr. Watsa was also advised by Bank of America Merrill Lynch and BMO.

David Benoit