

What were the big surprises?


The biggest surprise was probably that there was no big surprise. Most of the big details about the new iPhone lineup had been leaked out prior to the event, and the details people were waiting for -- an interesting new pricing strategy, or news about Apple's TV plans -- didn't actually happen.


So what exactly is the new iPhone lineup?


As it has done for years, Apple has two iPhones available, one cheaper than the other. But instead of the historical trend -- last season's phone stays on the market and becomes a cheaper option next to the new release -- both iPhones announced today haven't previously been available on the market, even if one of them isn't exactly new.

新款手机中价格较低的iPhone 5C实际上只是老款iPhone 5加上了彩色塑料外壳和更好的阵列天线。而价格较高的iPhone 5S则是对老款的大幅升级,有功能更强大的内部硬件,改进的摄像头,以及内置于"Home"键中的指纹扫描器。

The iPhone 5C, the new cheaper model, is essentially just the old iPhone 5 with a colorful plastic casing and a better array of antennas. The more expensive model, the 5S, is a significant update to the old, with more powerful internal hardware, an improved camera, and a fingerprint scanner embedded in its home button.


How much do they cost?

其定价结构实际上与过去没有变化。较便宜的iPhone 5C带两年合约价格为99美元,与此前iPhone 4S价位相同。新款iPhone 5S合约机价格为199美元,与老款iPhone 5价位相同。(内存更大的机型价格更高。)

The pricing structure has stayed essentially the same as in the past. The cheaper iPhone 5C costs $99 on a two-year contract, the same price point that the iPhone 4S previously occupied. The new iPhone 5S costs $199 on contract, the same price point as the old iPhone 5. (Versions with more internalstorage cost more.)

一些美国人和世界其他地方的大部分人已经习惯买iPhone裸机,如果你也想买一部裸机,iPhone 5C价格为549美元,iPhone 5S价格为649美元。你也许能猜到我接下来要说的话,但不管怎样要说一下:这两款手机分别与此前iPhone 4S和iPhone 5裸机的价位相同。

If you want to buy an iPhone without a contract, as a small number of Americans and much of the rest of the world has become accustomed to doing, the 5C will cost you $549 and the 5S $649. You can probably guess the next sentence, but we'll say it anyhow: Those are the same price points previously occupied by the iPhone 4S and 5.

定价是发布会上为数不多的令人大感意外的消息之一。很多人此前曾预测,为在新兴市场与更便宜的高端安卓(Android)手机竞争,带彩色塑料外壳的新iPhone 5C定价会较低。而实际上,iPhone 5C仍是一款高定价手机;在中国的价格约合733美元。

The pricing was one of the few big surprises of the day, as many had expected the colorful new plastic iPhone 5C would be priced to compete in emerging markets, and against cheaper high-end Android phones. Instead, the 5C remains a premium-priced phone; in China it will set you back $733.


What is the big deal about these new phones?

iPhone 5C最大的卖点是其彩色塑料外壳,以及从其老款中继承的较低价位。

The iPhone 5C's biggest selling point is its colorful plastic casing, and the lower price point it inherited from its predecessor.

iPhone 5S向移动市场推出了一些新的附属功能,不过,它将使用64位处理器,而目前市场上有售的手机中没有使用这种处理器的。我们将把64位系统在移动设备上的重要性和实用情况留给那些了解处理器构架的人来讨论;这类系统可能提高功能和效率,但这对手机有多大作用还有待商榷。但既然高端iPhone使用了64位A7处理器,预计下一代iPad上也将使用。

The iPhone 5S introduces a few new bells and whistles to the mobile market, though -- it will run on a 64-bit processor, which no current phone does. We'll leave people who know about processor architecture to argue about the importance and utility of 64-bit systems on mobile devices; they have the potential to boost power and efficiency, but it's questionable exactly how much this applies to mobile handsets. But now that the 64-bit A7 processor is in the high-end iPhone, expect to see it in the next iPad, too.

比64位处理器更容易让人理解的另一个卖点是指纹识别器,它的功能与你所想的一样。它内嵌在屏幕下方的圆形Home键内。对这个苹果称为Touch ID的识别器而言,重要一点在于,它只能为iPhone的操作系统使用,因此应用软件或者网站无法使用这个功能来实现登陆或身份鉴别。此外,你的指纹永远不会被iPhone上传到云存储上,只能储存在设备上。

More human-comprehensible than 64-bit is the fingerprint scanner, which does what you think it does. It is embedded in the rounded home button below the screen. One important thing about the scanner, which Apple calls Touch ID: It can only be used by the iPhone's operating system, so apps or websites can't use it for their own login or authentications. And your fingerprint will never be sent by the iPhone to the cloud -- it's stuck on the device only.


Apple bills this as a security feature, and it's clear that allowing apps to build up databases of fingerprints is pushing it, especially given heightened concerns about privacy and snooping. But if you thought you would be able to log into online banking or Facebook via fingerprint, think again. For now, at least.


The camera on the 5C has been updated, and Apple says the improved image sensor and flash makes for better quality photos. Without a hands-on test, it's tough to know exactly how much better though.


What about the software?

5C和5S都运行6月份发布的新版iOS 7操作系统。我们之前已经全面报道了有关iOS 7的内容,这是一次对iPhone系统样貌和用户体验进行的重大革新。新系统色彩更加丰富、活泼,用设计领域常用的一个词形容就是"更靓丽了"。

Both the 5C and 5S are running on the new iOS 7 operating system, which was unveiled back in June. We wrote all about iOS 7 back then, and it is a major refresh of the look and feel of the iPhone system: More colorful, more animated, and -- as design types like to say -- ' flatter.'

苹果重新设计了所有预置应用,以适应新操作系统的外观和使用感觉,你可以期待大型应用开发者对其目前的应用软件进行重新设计,以适应iOS 7系统。

Apple has redesigned all its pre-loaded apps to fit the new look and feel, and you can expect the big app developers to have an iOS 7-friendly redesign of their apps in the works.

另外苹果还宣布,购买运行iOS 7系统的新iOS设备的用户将可以免费下载包括iPhoto、iMovie、Pages、Numbers和 Keynote在内的热门付费应用。这些应用此前的单价在4.99至9.99美元之间。

Also on the software front, Apple announced that some of its popular paid apps -- iPhoto, iMovie, Pages, Numbers and Keynote -- will become free downloads for those who purchase the new iOS devices running iOS 7. They previously cost from $4.99 to $9.99 apiece.


Any other new stuff?

苹果将销售新款手机外壳。他们不太出彩,但利润空间惊人。你认为一个售价39美元的iPhone 5S外壳出厂价是多少?

Apple is selling new cases for its phones. They're not very interesting, but are amazinglyprofitable to sell. How much do you think one of those $39 iPhone 5S cases costs straight from the factory?


When is all this coming out?


The new phones hit Apple retail stores on Sept. 20, and you can pre-order the 5C starting later this week.

Tom Gara