
关微软(Microsoft Corp.)新任首席执行长(CEO)的职位描述可能会是这样:全球最大软件公司CEO;有竞争力的薪酬;几乎无需做重大决定。上述高调的职位描述可谓非同一般。此前,即将离职的CEO鲍尔默(Steve Ballmer)采取了一系列举措,最后一项便是本周微软与诺基亚公司(Nokia Corp.)之间70亿美元的交易。该交易不仅将给鲍尔默的继任者额外增加3.2万名员工,还将使其不得不面临一项双倍押注:微软可以改变在移动设备市场所占份额极小的局面。

The job description for Microsoft Corp.'s new chief executive could go something like this: CEO of world's largest software company; competitive salary; few big decisions required.

在这笔交易宣布前,鲍尔默突然在上个月决定退休,而7月份微软还曾重新设定战略并广泛重组,据此加强了CEO在公司结构里的核心角色。微软董事会已表示支持那些举措。微软联合创始人比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)任该公司董事长。

The unusual sounding pitch follows a series of moves by outgoing CEO Steve Ballmer that culminated with news this week of Microsoft's $7 billion deal with Nokia Corp. The deal will saddle Mr. Ballmer's successor with 32,000 additional employees-along with a doubled-down bet that Microsoft can expand beyond a tiny share in mobile devices.


The news follows Mr. Ballmer's surprise decision last month to retire-preceded by a strategy reset and a broad reorganization in July that reinforced the central role of the CEO in Microsoft's structure. The company's board-which is chaired by co-founder Bill Gates-has signaled that it supports the moves.

美国明尼阿波利斯咨询公司MDA Leadership Consulting的创始人兼CEO戴维斯(Sandra Davis)说,我实在想不出会有CEO不愿一上任就说,我们来研究研究战略吧。戴维斯提供有关企业继任计划方面的咨询。

As a result, some of the most fundamental decisions facing Microsoft already seem settled, a situation some management consultants see as a turnoff to potential CEO candidates.


'I can't think of a CEO who doesn't want to come in and say, let's take a look at strategy,' says Sandra Davis, founder and CEO of Minneapolis-based MDA Leadership Consulting who advises companies on succession planning.


If the board is aligned about a set of strategic decisions, and what kind of role a new CEO should play, 'that is a very different kind of scenario to attract someone to,' Ms. Davis said.


Not that Microsoft will necessarily have trouble finding a new CEO, given the prestige and potentially large salary associated with the position. Nor is there any reason to think that Mr. Ballmer deliberately set out to limit his replacement's options.

纽约咨询公司Dattner Consulting Inc.的管理顾问、工业心理学家达特纳(Ben Dattner)说,在我看来,这更像是一个领导人试图留下最后的遗产,而不是努力对继任者设限。

Management experts point to Mr. Ballmer's desire to strengthen a company he helped lead for 33 years. He and Mr. Gates remain major shareholders, and the latter is on the CEO selection committee of Microsoft's board.


'I would see this more as a leader trying to leave a final legacy rather than trying to limit his successor,' says Ben Dattner, a management consultant and industrialpsychologist at New York-based Dattner Consulting Inc.


There is also no evidence that the Nokia deal, while the most recent of Microsoft's big moves to be announced, was forged after Mr. Ballmer's decision to retire. In an interview Monday, he indicated he had first broached the idea early this year.

哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)教授约菲(David Yoffie)说,每当一位即将离任的首席执行长进行一笔涉及到数万人的大规模收购时,毫无疑问将令继任者肩负将两家公司和两种文化整合到一起的挑战。

Still, the job of integrating the Nokia employees with Microsoft's nearly 100,000 workers will likely fall to Mr. Ballmer's successor.


'Whenever a CEO on his way out makes a huge acquisition with tens of thousands of people, you are by definition saddling your successor' with the challenge of integrating two companies, and two cultures, said David Yoffie, a professor at Harvard Business School.


The Nokia deal hasn't seemed popular among investors focusing on Microsoft's business in the short term. Its shares fell nearly 5% on the news Tuesday, and dropped about 2.2% to close at $31.20 Wednesday.

利益相关方中比较突出的是ValueAct Capital Management LP。该公司持有价值约20亿美元的微软股票,并将在微软董事会中获得一个席位,这是上周五公布的微软与该维权投资者之间合作协议的一部分。

'We believe this deal is in the best interests of all shareholders, providing Microsoft with the opportunity to generatesignificant long-term revenue and profits,' a Microsoft spokeswoman said Tuesday.

野村证券(Nomura Securities)分析师舍伦德(Rick Sherlund)说,尽管正在寻找一位新的首席执行长,但微软决定推进诺基亚收购案,这可能令很多股东和ValueAct感到失望。微软在一个电话会议上说,在公布收购交易前,这只对冲基金事先没有被告知。

Standing out among stockholders is ValueAct Capital Management LP, which holds about $2 billion worth of Microsoft shares and stands to gain a board seat at the company as part of a cooperationagreement with the activist investor announced Friday.


Rick Sherlund, an analyst at Nomura Securities, said the decision to push forward with the Nokia acquisitiondespite the search for a new CEO is likely a source of frustration to many shareholders and to ValueAct. Microsoft said during a conference call that the hedge fund wasn't informed of the deal ahead of the announcement.

上述微软发言人说,上周五公布了协议以来,该公司曾向ValueAct总裁墨菲特(Mason Morfit)简要介绍情况。她说,除此之外,披露我们与投资者之间的保密讨论内容就不合适了。

'It's like, on the way out the door, you get this deal pushed through,' Mr. Sherlund said. 'I think they are getting an earful from investors.'


The Microsoft spokeswoman said that the company had briefed Mason Morfit, ValueAct's president, since the announcement of the agreement Friday. 'Beyond that, it would be inappropriate to disclose our confidential discussions with investors,' she said.