
总部设在马萨诸塞州的科技刊物《麻省理工科技创业》(MIT Technology Review)评选出了35位35岁以下科技创新俊杰年度名单。今年的这份最新名单上有两位南亚裔人。

The MIT Technology Review, a Massachusetts-based technology publication has come out with its annual list of 35 innovators aged under 35. This year it features two men of south Asian origin.

他们分别是现年都是33岁的巴拉吉•斯里尼瓦桑(Balaji Srinivasan)和维贾伊•巴拉萨布拉曼尼恩(Vijay Balasubramaniyan),上榜的人都是在全球科技领域做出过杰出成绩的年轻企业家和投资者。

Balaji Srinivasan and Vijay Balasubramaniyan, both 33, made it to the coveted list, which celebrates young entrepreneurs and inventors, who have done exceptional work in the field of technology globally.


People of south Asian origin and Indian-Americans have regularly featured on MIT's innovators list. This year, however their number has gone down. In 2012, five innovators on the list were of south Asian origin.


The winners are selected by a panel of judges evaluate the candidates based on current trends in technology and the diversity of innovation.


The list is divided into five sections: inventors, entrepreneurs, visionaries, humanitarians and pioneers.


MIT selected Mr. Srinivasan as one of the top entrepreneurs.

他是硅谷初创公司Counsyl Inc.的创始人,该公司为那些想做父母的人提供低成本的基因测试,以确定他们是否携带能够导致下一代患上遗传病的基因。

He is the founder of Counsyl Inc., a Silicon Valley startup that conducts low-cost, genetic tests on prospective parents that can identify if they are carrying genes capable of causing hereditary diseases in their children.

Counsyl还曾在2010年赢得《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的创新奖铜奖。

Counsyl also won bronze in the The Wall Street Journal's Innovation Awards in 2010.

巴拉吉•斯里尼瓦桑在2007年与他的兄弟拉姆吉•斯里尼瓦桑(Ramji Srinivasan)共同创建了Counsyl。在此之前,他在加州斯坦福大学(Stanford University)统计系教授数据挖掘、统计学和计算生物学。

Mr. Srinivasan founded Counsyl in 2007 with his brother Ramji Srinivasan. Before that, he taught data mining, statistics, and computational biology in the department of statistics at Stanford University in California.


The Srinivasan brothers' father, however, didn't want them to get into medicine and was keen for them to study computer science instead, notes the MIT Technology review.


A Stanford alum, Mr. Srinivasan holds graduate, post-graduate and doctoral degrees in electrical engineering. He also holds a Master's degree in chemicalengineering from Stanford.

名单上的另一位南亚裔人巴拉萨布拉曼尼恩是总部设在亚特兰大的公司Pindrop Security Inc.的联席创始人,该公司追踪欺诈电话。

The other south Asian on the list, Vijay Balasubramaniyan is the co-founder of Pindrop Security Inc. an Atlanta based company that tracks fraudulent phone calls.


The list recognizes him as one of the top inventors.

巴拉萨布拉曼尼恩先后在印度南部城市班加罗尔的R. V. College of Engineering和美国乔治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)完成了工程学本科和博士学业。在创建Pindrop前,他曾在谷歌(Google Inc.)、英特尔公司(Intel Co.)和IBM研究院(IBM Research)等顶级科技公司工作过。

Mr. Balasubramaniyan completed his undergraduate studies in engineering from R. V. College of Engineering in the southern Indian city of Bangalore and doctoral studies from Georgia Institute of Technology in the U.S. Prior to Pindrop, he worked at some of the top technology firms such as Google Inc., Intel Corp. and IBM Research.


He is also a regular speaker at technology conferences on the subject of phone fraud.

过去,谷歌创始人布林(Sergey Brin)和佩奇(Larry Page)、Facebook Inc.创始人扎克伯格(Zuckerberg)、Spotify创始人埃克(Daniel Ek)以及苹果公司(Apple Inc)的艾夫(Jonathan Ive)都曾出现在麻省理工学院的这份名单上。

In the past the MIT list has included Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook Inc., Spotify's founder Daniel Ek and Apple Inc's Jonathan Ive.