
Lungs of our Planet.

Rainforests are our friends and it's heartbreaking to say that we are slowly, but surely losing them.

Most people wouldn't give a second thought to the tropical rainforests. They are out of sight so therefore they are also out of mind. All of us tend to forget that the rainforest provides for us. And every once in a while we need to be reminded. They are the home to some animals (ones we know about and the ones yet to be uncovered). The rainforest, also gives us the gifts of some of the foods we enjoy and the medicines that we need to fight disease. The rainforest holds the key to our future.

The tropical rainforest have and are good to mankind. But what have we done to them? At one point in time the rainforest covered 14% of earth's surface, now the only cover 6%. Experts say that the remaining rainforest could be consumed in forty years.

Think about that for a second. That's not in the distant future. That time is right now, in our lifetime. Our grandchildren will only know rainforest and it's contributes through history textbooks. Is that what we want for ourselves and generations to come? Here are some facts to consider:

½ acres of rainforest are lost every second

More than half of the world's estimated 10 million species of plant, animals and insects live in tropical rainforest

Nearly half of the world's species will be destroyed or threatened in the next quarter of a century

There was at one time 10 million Indians living in the Amazon Rainforest. Today there are less than 20,000.

The rainforest provides 3,000 fruits

At least 80% of the develop world's diet originated in the tropical forest

More than 20% of the world's oxygen is provided by the rainforest

Rainforest are being destroyed because the value of the land is seen as timber by short sighted government, multi-national logging companies and land owners

Sources of destruction:

Commercial logging (main cause)

Clearing land for gazing animals and substance farming

Government (leading threat)