
如今的学生都已经对校园里的种种促销活动司空见惯了。 STUDENTS are accustomed to seeing all sorts of promotions on campus.

然而上周,深圳大学的毕业生们却碰见了一个新鲜的(促销活动)。 But last week, at Shenzhen University, grads encountered a new one.

一家当地的婚介机构打着"婚姻是事业最好的开端" 的口号在校园促销。 A local matchmaking service promoted marriage as "the best way to start a career".

事实上,在许多学校,越来越多的年轻人把婚姻看作是逃避求职及工作压力的捷径之一。 In fact, on many campuses, marriage is increasingly seen as providing a way for young people to escape the pressures of job-hunting and career.

据《中国青年报》的一项在线调查显示,25%的学生表示考虑一毕业就结婚。 According to a China Youth Daily online poll, more than 25 percent of students are considering getting married right after graduation.

拿中国传媒大学艺术专业的安玉洁(音译)来说。 Take, for example, An Yujie, a Communication University of China art major.

23岁的安自1年前毕业至今一直没有找到工作。 The 23-year-old An graduated a year ago and has been unemployed ever since.

眼下,她对前途忧心忡忡。结婚或许是种解决之道。 Now, she finds herself anxious about the future. Marriage would provide a solution.

她开始催促男友对(二人的)将来许下承诺。 She has begun pushing her boyfriend to make a commitment for the future.

最近,她甚至说服他去四川拜访她的家人。 She even convinced him recently to visit her home and family in Sichuan.

安说:"现在,没有人再提我没有工作这件事了。男友家在北京,有稳定的收入,我可以安心了。" "Now, no one talks about my still-no-job thing," says An. "I find myself secure with a local Beijinger who has a stable income."

想靠婚姻来寻求安全感的不仅仅是安,很多学生家长同样如此。 An is not the only one looking to marriage for security. So are many students' parents.

对于那些无微不至地保护子女的家长们来说,女儿大学毕业还没有男友就等于是种失败。 For the really protective moms and dads, a daughter graduating without even a boyfriend spells failure.

就读于上海大学信息专业,24岁的程云云总以为婚姻是件很遥远的事情。 Cheng Yunyun, a 24-year-old information major at Shanghai University, always thought that marriage was something in the distant future.

但是现在,在父母的催促下,她不得不参加些联谊活动来结识男性朋友。 But now, at her parents' urging, she has found herself going to matching-making parties to meet guys.

有时,迫不得已,她还需要接听妈妈安排的"候选人"打来的电话。 She sometimes gets "forced" to take phone calls from "candidates" arranged by her mom.

程说:"如果能遇见一个我愿意托付终生的人当然很好。但是,参加这种别人安排的相亲无济于事。" "It would be great if I could meet a guy that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with," says Cheng. "But going for blind dates is not helping."

也许,她是对的。 She may be right.

半年前,武汉大学经济学专业的薇薇(音译)在大学聚会上遇到一个男孩。 Weiwei, a Wuhan University economics major met a guy at a campus party six months ago.

看起来,他似乎符合她所有的标准。但问题是:她并不爱他。她只想在该市有个可靠的将来。 He seemed to meet all of her criteria, but there was one problem: She didn't love him; she just wanted a secure future in the city.

二人闪电订婚,但不久她便发现,自己似乎犯了个错误。 They got engaged really fast, but she soon found that she might have made a mistake.

她开始厌倦于应对种种杂事,甚至找不到一个做家务的理由。 She got tired of having so many things to take care of and couldn' t even find a good reason for doing all the routine work at home.

不久前,她还是和那个男孩分手了,即使这意味着放弃当时富裕的生活。 Recently, she broke up with the boy, even though it meant giving up -- for the time being -- a financially comfortable life.

北京大学心理学教授申郑(音译)表示:"藉由婚姻来得到安全感是很危险的。" According to Shen Zheng, a Peking University psychology professor, looking to marriage to provide security is very dangerous.

申还说,在考虑结婚前,现在的毕业生们应该学习如何通过折衷方法来解决问题。 Shen says recent grads should learn how to solve problems through compromise before considering marriage.

因为,它(婚姻)包含了很多琐事、责任甚至麻烦。 That's because it involves so much triviality and responsibility, even troubles.

此外,申还认为,年轻人应该做好在婚姻中保持独立的准备:无论在感情还是经济上。 Also, Shen says young people should be prepared to be independent in marriage -- both emotionally and financially.

"如果你不能紧跟伴侣的思维和经历,(婚姻)会很难维系。" "If you can't keep up with the other person's mind or social experience, it will be hard to sustain."

与此同时,程云云(音译)还在参加各色联谊。因为她认为,这是短时间内结识更多人的捷径。 Cheng Yunyun, meanwhile, is still going to those match-making parties because she thinks they're an effective way to meet many people in a short time.

但她也表示,自己已经不像从前一样随意公开手机号码了。 But she says she doesn't always give out her phone number like she used to.

"我要把手机号码留给那个在我眼中很特别的人。" "I'm waiting to give my number out to the one who gives me a special look in my eye."