


  Where are you going to visit during your vacation this summer? Perhaps you could soak up the sun on the sand beaches or view some beautiful landscapes. But why don't you take a humanitarian one? In the labors of love, you could go to an isolated village to help children study their courses or help build an orphanage.


  在这段长话中,有一个片语labor of love,意思是不讲报酬自愿承担的工作。也就是我们常说的爱心工作或爱心工程。从字面上就很好理解这个片语,labor本来意思就是指劳动、工作,love意思是爱、热爱,所以整个意思是指"充满爱意的工作",用来指不讲报酬自愿承担的工作,这些工作的主动者往往是一些volunteers. It means that some volunteers do something that is hard work but they do without any reward because they want to. For example:

  It's a labor of love to look after poor children in orphanages. For them, presenting some interesting books to the children is a labor of love too.


  昨天朋友说好请吃饭,我是高兴之极。饭局接近尾声,他突然接到一个电话,然后告诉我他有急事,必须得走了,留下了一个人pick up the tab!真不知他是有意无意,我心里倒是千万个不爽。

  Yesterday, one of my friends invited me to have dinner with him. After a long, leisurely dinner, he got a call on his cell phone. Then he told me that he must run immediately. I thought that he was leaving me to pick up the tab!


  这里片语pick up the tab意思就是我们常说的付账,支付费用的意思。Pick up 这里是支付的意思。而tab相当于check or bill. The phrase, pick up the tab, means to pay for something, especially when it is not your responsibility to pay. 朗文电子词典里还有一个句子,让我们看一看:

  When the check comes, the lobbyists almost always pick up the tab.


  结束语:几个朋友准备建立一个读书社,专门帮助那些穷苦的孩子们把书读好,也算是一项爱心工程吧(labor of love),可是去工商部门办理执照时,主管负责人不理不睬的,后来只好买了包好烟,付了账(pick up the tab),后来的事情才算顺利。



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