

  "There may come a tim when the lion and the lamb will lie down together, but I am still betting on the lion."

  以上是美国幽默作家比斯林的作品中的一句话,他的作品生动传神.上句中的the lion and the lamb will lie down together来自圣经里的语句the lion lie with the lamb,意思就是"好人与坏人和平共处".(the sheep and the goats live together in peace)

  英语里有一个习语the lion's share,意思是"较大的份额"(the greater part),关于该语,伊索老人有个寓言故事要讲: 狮子,狐狸和驴子合伙去打猎,捕到一只公鹿.狮子把猎物平均分成4份,狐狸和驴子正想去拿属于自己的那份,不料狮子却说,它有特权,先得到其中的一份,它的勇猛无比也应再得一份,它的"老婆孩子们"也应得一份,至于剩下的那一份,狮子愿意与狐狸和驴子一比高低,驴子再笨狐狸再狡猾也不至于要跟狮子一决胜负, 所以结果就可想而知了.

  e.g.As usual, the lion's share of the budget is for defence.

  圣经里说"把我从狮子口里救出来"(save me from the lion's mouth).因此to put one's head in the lion's mouth意思是鲁莽地冒险(a foolhardy risk born of either true or false courage)

  e.g.I'll have to put my head in the lion's mouth to save him.

  17世纪时,伦敦的动物园里有一只狮子,当地人常陪同外来客人来看狮子,顺便也一起参观下位于附近的伦敦塔,其他游客也纷纷慕"狮名"而来.1834年,动物园搬走了,游客只好看看伦敦塔了事.但从那时起,lion就成为一种比喻,意思是"名胜或名人" lion hunters指"巴结社会名流的人"

  这世界上有大王,那就有喽罗爪牙和帮凶.在动物王国,狮子是大王,豺jackal便是狮子的爪牙(狮子王里面就有,是不),人们把那些"替别人干不体面事情的人"(a person who does demeaning or dishonest tasks for someone else, or an individual who does another's dirty work)称为jackal.
