

1. the more the better. 人多热闹嘛!

2. what bring you here? 什么风把你吹来了?

3. a friend in need is a frinend indeed. 患难见真情!

4. be there or be square. 不见不散!

5. I'm as poor as a church mouse. 我穷得像教堂里的老鼠一样.

6. You flatter me! I'm flatter. 过奖了/承蒙夸奖

7. I should learnt from you. 我要向你学习.

8. you are my soulmate. 你是我的心灵知己.

9. never try, never know. 不试一下,永远不知道.

10. say Hello your parants. 向你的父母亲问好!

11. you haven't changed much. 你变化不大.

12. Early bird gets worms. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃.

13. please give my best wishes to your family. 代我向你的家人问好.

14. let's go duth. 让我们AA制.

15. I treat you pay. 我请客你付钱.

16. you are so stingy. 你好小气.

17.why do you always act like a nut!


18. how stupid of you! 你好傻啊.

19. I can't live without you! 我不能没有你,

20. Everything is OK, except opportunity. 万事具备,只欠东风.

21. different quality, different price 一分价钱一分货.

22. buy one take one. 买一送一.

23. How shall I be talked? 我要怎么说呢?

24. people say I'm the dead spit of my father.


25. I look like my father more. 我长得像我的父亲多一点.

26. how are you getting on with your sister?


27. we can't stand each other. 我们互相不能容忍.

28. we are love each other. We are really tight.


29. I was born under the year of OX 我出生在牛年.

30. Let's pig out. Don't chickent out. 让我们大吃一顿/别逃

31. how often do you get together? 你们多久相聚一次

32. An apple a day,keeps the doctor aways. 一天一苹果,医生远离我.

33. don't me shy ,just try. 别害羞,只是试一下.

34. take it easy,you can make it. 放松一点,你可以做到的,

35. travel around the world. 环游世界.

36. reading makes a full man. 阅读可以使人充实.

37. you can walk around the market and compare.


38. you were a born a couple. 你们是天生一对.

39. we're ambitious though we are poor. 人穷志不穷.

40. Are you good at it? 你擅长它吗?

41. I hope I can do it some day. 我希望有朝一日我可以做到.

42. a wise wonman knows how to manage or balance her life


43. whatever will be will be! 顺其自然/一切命中注定.

44. you are a one-woman boy. 你是一个专一的男人.

45. business booming! 生意兴隆!

46. the more we get toghther the happier we are.


47. I feel happy, when I am with you. 跟你在一起时,我就感到很快乐.

48. the chance belong get ready of somebody.机会垂青于有准备的人.

49. Are you crazy or what? 你到底是不是疯了?

50. my scheduce is subject to the change. 我的行程随时变化.

51. Rome wasn't built in a day. 罗马不是一天建成的.

52. where there is a will ,there is a way. 有志者,事竞成.

53. I couldn't fall sleep. 我整晚睡不着.

54. I like the rhythm of this song. 我喜欢这首歌的节奏.

55. I can't help falling in love with you. 我情不自禁地爱上你

56. waiting for me. How romantic you are. 此情可待,/你们好浪漫啊!

57. happy Apirl fool's day! 愚人节快乐.

58. happy valentine's day! 情人节快乐.

59. you have a glib tongue. 你真会说话.

60. you are impossible! 你无药可救.

61. It's for nothing! 再期待不过了.

62. every coin has two sides. 每件事物都有两面性.

63. who is afraid of whom? 你以为你是谁?

64. killed two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕.

65. I've heard a lot about you. 久仰你的大名.

66. don't juade a person by his appearance. 不要以貌取人.

67. life is short ,but Art is long. 生活是短暂的,但是艺术是长远的.

68. who do you think you are! 你以为你是谁.

69. what does your dream girl look like? 你的梦中女孩是什么样子的?

70. what do I see in you? 我怎么会看上你?

71. we are from the same place. 我们是老乡.

72. happy Dragon Boat Festival! lantern festival,端午节/元宵节快乐.

73. just this time . some other time. 下不为例/改天再说吧.

74. leave it or take it ? 要还是不要.随便你

75. my hometown is famous for hotspring. 我的家乡以温泉而闻名.

76. what are you going to do? 你要去做什么?

77. English is very important nowadays,because it's a bridge to the world.

78. I want to go outside and catch the wind. 我想去外面兜风.

79. who know! 天知道.

80. It is not a big deal! 没什么了不起.

81. how come. &nb
  • rhythm [´riðəm] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(诗的)韵律;格律 四级词汇
  • bridge [bridʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.桥(梁);鼻梁;桥牌 四级词汇

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