
Name: FANG Haiyan

Birthday: 23rd of October

Blood Type: B

Position: VJ for Entertainment Online

Favorite colors: Blue, white

Favorite fashion style: Graceful cutting, neat design

Favorite food: Spicy Hot Pot

Hobby: Sunbathing on the beach

The work you like most: Traveling

The thing you hate most: All kinds of rings include ring tones, telephone rings, sound of door bell and alarm clock@#¥%.....that wake me up while I am in deep sleep.

A: You are really good at learning languages. Have you ever thought that you have the special talent in learning languages?

F: Well, I am not sure about that. Maybe. I have read The Principles for Young Pioneers on stage. For my special talent, I will go and take a test later.

A: Well, take the way you learn Shanghainese for example?

F: To me, the so-called talent in learning language is only a foundation. Confidence in speaking is more important. You should not be afraid of express yourself. If people laugh at you, don't worry about it because soon they'll be nothing left for them to laugh at and you will have expressed everything you want to at that time.

A: How long did it take for you to learn Shanghainese?

F: I am not sure about that. Till now, I still speak in pidgin Shanghainese. People say that they can pick out different accents from all over China when I speak Shanghainese. It's fine as long as they can understand what I am saying. Language is for communication.

A: Sometimes, there is Qingpu or Chongming accent. What about your accent?

F: I speak with various accents.

A: Is there anything funny when you speak Shanghainese?

F: Yes, there is. Before, I used to think that when they were playing Mahjong and saying "Facai", they meant to say Facai in Shanghainese. They used to laugh at my Shanghainese, because it was not one single word they felt funny, but the tone of the whole sentence was really weird. Now they are tired of laughing at me anymore. They've accepted it and let me say whatever I want to. I love to talk to others (in Shanghainese). Oops! My weird accent again (in Shanghainese). And they always say that I like to speak Shanghainese with such emotion.

A: That would make them laugh even more! Have you continued learning English, Haiyan?

F: I used to study English with a lot of friends. We seldom use the English we learned in college. You know, language is something easily forgotten if you don't use it. Especially for certain words, they look familiar to you, like your next door neighbor. You just can't think of who they are. This is pretty common. Or it's stuck in the back of your head but you just can't quite utter it out. This was the reason why we selected an American teacher to teach us English. He was really good to all of us. Every time he'd teach, he'd take out a deck of card and tell us stories. Unfortunately at the end, as we were doing E-idol, I really no time to learn English so I had to give it up cause I didn't want to interrupt them. Actually I don't have any plans to learn English now though I do want to learn. For example, I went to Africa the other time. Besides African local tongue, English is also the second language, the official language. The first day I was there, I didn't know what to say and I am usually one of the more outspoken types. The following day, I could engage in some small talk. On the third day, I taught them how to play the Mafia game in English.

A: Do you have any plans to significantly improve your English in the near future?

F: Before, someone was kidding that finding a foreign boyfriend was a great way to learn English. I still feel a little apprehensive about this. Making friends is fine. It is not necessary for him to be your boy friend. On a deeper level, I think it's really related to the language environment. For example, the other day we went to a party and an Australian boy who came from Sydney approached me and we chatted with each other. Actually we could communicate. He would express things in a complicated way and when I couldn't really understand, I would say, "Pardon?" then he would rephrase what he said in a simpler way that I could understand. For things I tried to express, he was smart enough that he could also understand. Anyway, it is still not so appropriate for me to learn English in this way. My suggestion is that if young people want to have a foreign boyfriend or girlfriend, they really need to learn some basic English otherwise you can't really communicate with each only and have to rely completely on body language.

A: How about you visiting our Talk da Talk English Club or logging on to our web site? Both of them would be really helpful.

  • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.说话 a.发言的 六级词汇
  • apprehensive [,æpri´hensiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.忧虑的;担心的 六级词汇
  • sydney [´sidni] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.悉尼 六级词汇