handsomely 帅气地
handspike 手杆
handspring 翻斤斗
handstaff 连枷柄
handstand 手倒立
handtailor 手工缝制
handweaving 以手织机编织
handwheel 手轮
handwork 手工
handworked 手工的
handwoven 手织的
handwringer 手摇搓衣机
handwringing 绝望
handwriting 笔迹
handwrought 手工的
handy man 手巧之人
handy 便利的
handyman 杂工
hang a leg 犹豫不定
hang about 闲荡
hang around 留在附近
hang back 却步
hang behind 落后
hang by a hair 千钧一发
hang by a thread 摇摇欲坠
hang down 散落下来
hang fire 发射不出
hang in doubt 悬而未决
hang in the air 未完成
hang in the balance 安危未定
hang it out 怠工
hang on the rear of 在后伺机袭击
hang on to 紧紧握住
hang on 坚持
hang one's head 把头垂下
hang one's lip 耷拉着嘴
hang out 挂出
hang over 挂在
hang the jury 不能决定
hang together 结合在一起
hang up one's axe 洗手不干
hang up one's fiddle when one comes home 在外谈笑风生在家死气沉沉
hang up one's hat 长期居住
hang up one's spikes 挂靴
hang up 挂断
hang 悬挂方式
hang-luggage 手提行李
hang-up 障碍
hangar 飞机修理库
hangar-deck 机库甲板
hangbird 悬巢鸟
hangdog 鬼鬼祟祟的
hanger 绞刑执行者
hanger-on 奉迎者
hangfire 延时爆炸
hanging bridge 吊桥
hanging indent 悬挂式缩进
hanging 绞死
hangman 刽子手
hangnail 倒拉刺
hangnest 悬巢
hangout 住所
hangover 残留
hangsman 刽子手
hangtag 标签
hangup 挂断
hank 一束
hanker 渴望
hankerchief 手帕
hankering 渴望
hankeringly 渴望地
hankie 手帕
hanky 手帕
hanky-panky 愚弄
Hanoverian 汉诺威
Hans 德国人
Hansardize 对质
hanseatic league 汉萨同盟
Hanseatic 商业同业公会的
hansel 新年礼物
Hansen's disease 麻疯病
hansom 双座马车
hant 常到之处
Hanukkah 光明节
hanuman 长尾猴
haole 白人
hap 偶然
hapaxanthous 只有一个花季的
haphazard 偶然
haphtarah 哈夫塔拉
hapless 倒霉的
haploid 单倍体
haploidy 单倍体
haplology 重复音略读
haplopia 单视
haplosis 减半作用
haply 偶然地
happen to meet 偶然遇见
happen to 发生在
happen what may 无论发生何事
happen 发生
happenchance 偶然事件
happening 事件
happenings 事件
happenstance 偶然事件
happily 幸福地
happiness 幸福
happy anniversary 周年纪念快乐
happy birthday 生日快乐
happy time 欢乐时光
happy 快乐的
happy-go-lucky 逍遥的
hapten 半抗原
haptic 触觉的
haptical 触觉的
haptics 触觉论
haptometer 触觉测量器
hara-kiri 切腹自尽
haram 内室
harangue 指责性的
Harari 哈拉尔族人
harass 烦恼
harassed 疲倦的
harassment 折磨
harbinger 预兆
harbinger-of-spring 报春花
harbor bureau 港务局
harbor due 入港税
harbor master 港务局长
harbor seal 斑海豹
harbor 避难所
harborage 停泊处
harborless 无港的
harbour 避难所
harbourless 无港的
hard aboard 紧靠船边
hard and fast 严格的
hard by 在近处
hard cash 硬币
hard cheese 不幸
hard core 核心硬件
hard court 网球场
hard currency 硬通货
hard disk partition 硬盘分区
hard disk 硬盘
hard drinks 烈酒
hard goods 耐用消费品
hard labour 强迫劳役
hard landing 硬着陆
hard line 强硬路线
hard news 重要新闻
hard of hearing 重听
hard on 刻薄
hard palate 硬颚
hard sell 强行推销
hard sledding 费力
hard swearing 伪证
hard upon 接近于
hard 硬的
hard-and-fast 不可违逆的
hard-bitten 不易对付的
hard-boil 把煮熟硬
hard-boiled 无情的
hard-burned 用烈火烧硬的
hard-core 核心部分
hard-drawn 冷拉的
hard-earned 辛苦得到的
hard-face 覆硬质金属
hard-faced 面貌严厉的
hard-favored 面貌严厉的
hard-favoured 面貌严厉的
hard-grained 木纹密而硬的
hard-hitting 用力打击的
hard-land 硬着陆
hard-liner 不妥协者
hard-nosed 顽固的
hard-of-hearing 重听的
hard-on 渴望获得
hard-sell 硬行推销的
hard-set 坚决的
hard-shell 硬皮的
hard-shelled 僵硬的
hard-spun 紧密的
hard-won 难得的
hardback 硬封面的书
hardball 硬式棒球
hardboard 硬纸板
hardbound 精装的
hardcore 核心部分
hardcover 精装书
harden the neck 变得顽固
harden up 使坚硬
harden 使变硬
hardenable 可硬化的
hardened 变硬的
hardener 硬化剂
hardfern 硬羊齿植物
hardfisted 吝啬的
hardhack 绣线菊
hardhanded 强制的
hardhat 建筑工人
hardhead 傻瓜
hardheaded 冷静的
hardhearted 无情的
hardihood 胆大
hardily 耐劳地
hardiness 耐久力
hardly any 几乎没有
hardly before 就
hardly ever 几乎从不
hardly when 就
hardly 刚刚
hardmouthed 顽固的
hardness 硬
hardpan 底价
hards 麻屑
hardship 艰难
hardstand 停机坪
hardstuff 麻醉药
hardtack 硬面饼
hardtop 室内影院
hardware connections 硬件联接
hardware interrupt 硬件中断
hardware 硬件
hardware-based cryptographic 硬件加密技术
hardwareman 五金商
hardwood 硬木
hardworking 苦干的
hardy 难的
hare 野兔
harebell 山小菜
harebrained 轻率的
harehearted 胆小的
harelip 兔唇
harelipped 兔唇的
harem 闺房
hari-kari 切腹自尽
haricot bean 扁豆
haricot 扁豆
harim 闺房
hark 听
harken 倾听
harl 麻的纤维
Harlem 黑人住宅区
harlemite 哈林居民
harlequin 丑角
harlequinade 滑稽表演
Harley street 哈利街
harlot 妓女
harlotry 卖淫行为
Harm set,harm get 害人反害己
harm 伤害
harmattan 热风
harmful 有害的
harmfully 伤害地
harmfulness 伤害
harmless 无害的
harmlessly 无害地
harmonic 和谐的
harmonica 口琴
harmonical 调和的
harmonically 和谐地
harmonicon 口琴
harmonics 和声学
harmonious 和谐的
harmoniously 和谐地
harmonist 和声学者
harmonistic 调和的
harmonium 小风琴
harmonization 和谐
harmonize 协调
harmonometer 和声计
harmony 协调
harmost 军事统治者
harmotome 重十字石
harmotomic 重十字石的
harness 马具
harns 脑
Harold 哈乐德
haroosh 混乱
harp on the same string 老调重弹
harp on 喋喋不休
harp 竖琴
harper 弹竖琴者
harpins 临时木材
harpist 弹竖琴者
harpoon 鱼叉
harpsichord 大键琴
harpsichork 大键架
Harpy 残酷的人
harquebus 火绳枪
harquebusier 火绳枪兵
harquebuss 火绳枪
harridan 老妇人
harrier 猎兔犬
harrow 耙
harrowing 痛心的
harrumph 哼声
harry 掠夺
harsh 粗糙的
harshen 使粗糙
harshly 严厉地
harshness 严肃
harslet 内脏
hart 雄鹿
hart's-tongue 羊齿动物
hartal 联合罢工
hartbeest 麋羊
hartebeest 大羚羊
hartshorn 鹿角
harum-scarum 冒失的
harumph 哼声
Harvardian 哈佛大学生
harvest fly 秋蝉
harvest moon 秋分前后之满月
harvest 收获
harvestless 不生产的
harvestman 收割者
harvestry 收割
has half a mind to 有点想做
has little mind to 不大想做
has no patience with 对......没耐心
has-been 盛极一时者
hash command 杂凑命令
hash house 经济餐馆
hash mark 制服斜条
hash table 杂凑表
hash tables class 杂凑表类
hash 无用信息
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 约旦王国之全称
Hashemite 哈桑王族
hasher 侍者
Hashimite 哈桑王族
hashing function 杂凑函数
hashing 散列法
hashish 麻药
hashslinger 侍者
haslet 内脏
hasp 搭扣
hassle 激战
hassock 厚垫
hastate 戟状的
haste 匆忙
hasten 催促
hastily 匆忙地
hastiness 轻率
hasty 匆忙的
hat in hand 十分恭敬地
hat tree 衣帽架
hat 帽子
hat-block 帽子木型
hatable 可恶的
hatband 缎带
hatch out 孵出
hatch 孵化
hatcheck girl 夜总会
hatched 阴影线的
hatchel 麻梳
hatcher 孵卵器
hatchery 孵卵所
hatchet face 马脸
hatchet job 恶毒攻击
hatchet man 杀人凶手
hatchet 短柄斧
hatchet-faced 瘦削脸形的
hatchety 斧状的
hatching 阴影
hatchling 人工孵化鱼
hatchway 舱口
hate each other like poison 互相恨之入骨
hate 憎恨
hateable 可恨的
hateful 可恨的
hatefully 可憎地
hateless 不憎恶的
hatemonger 煽动仇恨者
hater 怀恨者
hateworthy 可恶的
hatful 很多
Hathoric 爱神柱的
hathpace 高台
hatless 不戴帽子的
hatpin 帽针
hatrack 帽架
hatred 憎恨
hatter 帽商
hattery 帽店
hatting 制帽
hatty 汉帝
haubergeon 无袖衣
hauberk 锁子甲
haugh 河岸平台
haughtily 傲慢地
haughtiness 傲慢
haughty 傲慢的
haul down one's colors 投降
haul down one's flag 投降
haul off 退却
haul up 举起
haul 用力拖拉
haulabout 煤船
haulage 拖运
hauler 运输业者
haulier 拖曳者
haulm 茎
haunch 腰
haunt about 经常出没于
haunted 闹鬼的
haunting 脑海中的
Hausa 豪撒族
hausfrau 主妇
haustellate 吸器的
haustellum 吸器
haustorium 吸根
haustrum 袋
haut monde 上流社会
hautboy 高音双簧箫
haute ecole 高等马术
hauteur 傲慢
Havana 哈瓦那
have a ball 狂欢
have a bee in one's head 苦思冥想
have a big mouth 大声说话
have a bone in one's leg 难于行动
have a bone in one's throat 难于启齿
have a brick in one's hat 有醉意
have a button missing 神经失常
have a card up one's sleeve 秘而不宣的计划(意图)
have a chat with 闲谈
have a chin 闲谈
have a chip on one's shoulder 好斗
have a cobweb in the throat 口渴
have a cog loose 有点毛病
have a cool head 头脑冷静
have a drop in one's eye 有点醉意
have a finger in the pie 染指
have a fit 大发脾气
have a fling at 试做
have a foot in the dish 获得立足点
have a good appetite 胃口好
have a good command of 精通
have a good head for 有才能
have a good head on one's shoulders 有见识
have a good time 过得快乐
have a great notion to do 有意要做
have a hard head 顽固
have a head like a sieve 记忆力极差
have a head 头痛
have a heart 发慈悲
have a high color 脸色红润
have a horror of 深恶
have a light hand with 精于
have a liking for 喜欢
have a long head 有远见
have a mad on 大怒
have a maggot in one's head 想入非非
have a mark on 喜欢
have a memory like a sieve 记忆力极差
have a monkey on a house 抵押房屋
have a monkey on one's back 毒瘾深
have a niche in the temple of fame 留芳百世
have a night out 在外玩一晚上
have a nodding acquaintance with 有点头之交和
have a passion for 非常喜好
have a picnic 去野餐
have a poor appetite 胃口不好
have a rat in a garret 不安
have a rough time 吃苦
have a royal time 过得愉快
have a sale 廉售
have a screw loose 出故障
have a second string to one's bow 有后备方案
have a shaft left in one's quiver 还有办法
have a share in 参与
have a shot at 试着去做
have a slate missing 精神有点不正常
have a sweet teeth 喜欢吃甜
have a sweet tooth 喜欢吃甜
have a taste for 爱好
have a temperature 发烧
have a thick hide 脸皮厚
have a thick skin 不敏感
have a thin skin 敏感
have a tongue in one's head 能言善道
have a turkey on one's back 酒醉
have a voice in something 对某事有发言权
have a voice in 参与
have a wolf by the ears 进退两难
have a wonderful time 过得很愉快
have a word with 与......商谈
have all one's buttons 机敏
have all one's goods in the window 肤浅
have an ace up one's sleeve 握着王牌
have an appetite for 爱好
have an arrow left in one's quiver 还有本钱
have an audience with 拜会
have an axe to grind 别有企图
have an ear for 对听觉灵敏
have an ear to the ground 注意着可能发生的事
have an eye for 很能鉴赏
have an eye to the main chance 谋私利
have an instinct for 生来就
have an itching palm 贪财
have an oar in everyman's boat 多管闲事
have an objection to 反对
have an open hand 慷慨
have ants in one's pants 坐立不安
have at 打击
have bats in the belfry 异想天开
have been around a lot 世故深
have been in the wars 在战争中受过伤
have been to 曾经到过
have belief in 对......有信心
have broad shoulders 能担当重任
have charge of 主持
have cognizance of 认识到
have cold feet 害怕
have designs against 抱不良企图
have designs on 抱不良企图
have difficulty 有困难
have done with 做完
have effect on 影响
have eggs on the spit 手头有事
have enough of that style of thing 受够这种事
have eyes bigger than the belly 嘴馋
have fun 玩得开心
have good lungs 声音洪亮
have got to do something 必须做......某事
have got to do 必须做
have got 拥有
have hot coppers 喉咙干燥
have in detestation 厌恶
have in hand 进行中
have in mind 思念
have in remembrance 记得
have interest in 有兴趣
have iron nerves 神经坚强
have it both ways 见风使舵
have it in for 厌恶
have it out with 决雌雄于
have itching ears 爱听新奇的事
have legs 走得快
have mercy on 怜悯
have money to burn 有用不完的钱
have more sauce than pig 无礼
have more sense than to 聪明得不至于
have need of 需要
have neither part nor lot in 未参与
have no alternative but 只得
have no choice but to 别无选择
have no choice 不特别偏爱哪一个
have no ear for 听觉不灵敏
have no lack of 不缺乏
have no manner of right 毫无权利
have no patience with 不能容忍
have no time to spare 抽不出空
have no use for 不需要
have no voice in something 对某事没有发言权
have not a dry thread on one 浑身湿透
have not a leg to stand on 站不住脚
have not been to 不曾到过
have not the least idea of 毫无概念
have nothing in one 不足道
have nothing on the ball 毫无本事
have nothing to do with 无关于
have nothing to show for 没有成绩
have notice 接到通知
have on one's shoulders 承担着
have on 穿着
have one foot in the grave 风烛残年
have one's choice 有选择权
have one's day 走运
have one's fling 恣意行乐
have one's full swing 自由行动