想锻炼却没动力?现有一系列新款智能手机应用已推出,旨在将锻炼变为游戏,甚至还能有拉拉队为你加油鼓劲。传统的健身应用可以帮助人们量身打造一套健身计划,并跟踪进展情况。总部位于丹佛(Denver)的软件开发公司"行为心理学(iPerformance Psychology)"的行政总裁Steve Portenga说,新款健身程序能在你锻炼过程中提供一些鼓励甚至娱乐。该公司同专业及业余运动员们都保持着良好的合作。这是一个"激励人的好方法,因为有些人觉得做运动实在是太无聊了。"
Lost your motivation for
working out? A crop of smartphone apps aims to turn exercise into a game, complete with a virtual cheering squad in some cases.
美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)"健康游戏调研(Health Games Research)"项目的总监德布拉·利伯曼(Debra Lieberman)说,如果游戏规则恰当,的确能够鼓励人们锻炼身体。该项目试图研究电子游戏如何改善身体健康。利伯曼说,仅仅靠奖励现金和点数并不能让用户培养起长期运动的习惯,当这些奖励消失之后,人们也就懈怠了。她说:"最好的应用程序能够激励用户内在的欲望,例如想要强身健体,感觉良好,享受乐趣,并更好地融入社会。"
fitness apps can help people develop an exercise
routine and track their progress. But the newer game apps offer social
encouragement for exercise and some
entertainment too, said Steve Portenga, chief
executive of Denver-based iPerformance Psychology, which works with
professional and
amateur athletes. It's a good way 'to shake things up because some people find
working out
incredibly boring.'
Games can motivate people to exercise if they use the right game mechanics, said Debra Lieberman,
director of Health Games Research, a
program at the University of California, Santa Barbara, that studies ways digital games can improve health. Simply bribing a person with cash and points doesn't lead to long-term
behavior change after the bribe goes away, Dr. Lieberman says. 'The best apps motivate players to fulfill intrinsic desires such as to be fit and healthy, feel good, have fun, and be
socially connected,' she says.
Here are some
fitness apps that aim to keep things interesting.
Platform: iPhone and Android, free
"健康国度"通过社交形式来调动人们的积极性。这家纽约公司的联合创始人布赖恩·王(Brian Wang)说, 用户每一次锻炼都能得到相应的点数,点数多少因运动项目和锻炼强度而异。全身运动,例如硬举,将会比在公园慢步获得更多积分。随着用户分数的累积,他们会获得虚拟徽章和奖牌──例如骑自行车5,000公里后你可以获得一枚"疯狂骑行者"的徽章。
Motivational hook: Users hit next game level by logging workouts
Fitocracy uses a form of social
network to motivate people. For every workout they log, users get points, which generally are awarded based on
specific exercises and a workout's intensity, says Brian Wang, New York-based Fitocracy co-founder. A whole-body barbell
movement like a dead lift will earn more points than a slow walk in the park. As users build up points, they
acquire virtual badges and medals