
时代华纳(Time Warner Inc.)旗下华纳兄弟(Warner Bros.)的高管们在周末期间为他们几个月前所做的一项可能具有高风险的决定获得了回报,那就是将影片《招魂》(The Conjuring)的上映时间从今年年初推迟到竞争更为激烈的暑期。这部恐怖片的制作成本为2,000万美元,没有大牌明星参演,其上映时对阵的是瑞恩•雷诺兹(Ryan Reynolds)主演的大制作影片,以及梦工厂(DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc.)出品的最新影片。

Executives at Time Warner Inc.'s Warner Bros. this weekend reaped the rewards of a potentially risky call they made several months ago: moving the release date for 'The Conjuring' from early this year to the more competitive summer months. The horror film with a production budget of $20 million and no major stars would be opening against an expensivespectacle starring Ryan Reynolds and the latest feature from DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc.

然而,《招魂》在刚刚过去的周末依然轻松登顶票房榜,除该片以外的其他电影则都表现平平。在美国和加拿大,《招魂》从上周五至周日的票房收入估计为4,150万美元。强劲的影评和良好的口碑提振了这部电影的票房。该片由华纳兄弟旗下新线影业(New Line Cinema)制作。

Still 'The Conjuring' easily topped an otherwiselifeless box office this weekend, making an estimated $41.5 million from Friday to Sunday in the U.S. and Canada. The film from Warner Bros.' New Line Cinema division was boosted by solid reviews and favorable word-of-mouth among audiences.

华纳兄弟负责国内发行的执行副总裁戈尔茨坦(Jeff Goldstein)说,这是一部非常震撼的影片,凭借鬼神这一极其吸引人的主题给观众带来冲击。

'It's just an incredibly compelling movie that just hit the audience with the really interesting subject of demonology,' said Jeff Goldstein, Warner Bros.' executive vice president of domestic distribution.

《神偷奶爸2》(Despicable Me 2)以2,500万美元票房排在上周票房榜的第二。这部动画片是康卡斯特(Comcast Corp.)旗下环球影业(Universal Pictures)出品的同名影片的续集,该片已上映三周,目前美国国内票房累计2.76亿美元,全球票房5.846亿美元。

Taking second place was 'Despicable Me 2' with $25 million. Now in its third week of release, the animated sequel from Comcast Corp.'s Universal Pictures has collected $276 million domestically and taken in $584.6 million globally.


But after the runaway success of 'The Conjuring' and the holding power of 'Despicable Me 2,' the good news faded fast.


'Turbo,' the DreamWorks Animation feature about a snail who dreams of racing in the Indianapolis 500, sputtered in third place with a modest $21.5 million.

Erich Schwartzel