
GIZA++ is a freelyavailable implementation of the IBM Models. We need it as a initial step to establish word alignments. Our word alignments are taken from the intersection of bidirectional runs of GIZA++ plus some additional alignment points from the union of the two runs.
  Running GIZA++ is the most time consuming step in the training process. It also requires a lot of memory (1-2 GB RAM is common for large parallel corpora).
  Giza++是从双语句对的两个方向进行迭代学习的,模型训练的绝大多数时间都被这两个方向的迭代训练占去了,所以,Moses提供了第一种简单的解决办法:并行训练(Training in parallel):
  在训练时加上 –parallel选项,这样训练脚本将被fork,Giza++的两个方向的训练将作为独立的进程。这是一台多处理器机器上的最好选择。
  Using the –parallel option will fork the script and run the two directions of GIZA as independent processes. This is the best choice on a multi-processor machine.
  First you start training the usual way with the additional switches –last-step 2 –direction 1, which runs the data perparation and one direction of GIZA++ training.When the GIZA++ step started, start a second training run with the switches –first-step 2 –direction 2. This runs the second GIZA++ run in parallel, and then continues the rest of the model training. (Beware of race conditions! The second GIZA might finish earlier than the first one to training step 3 might start too early!)
  Moses本身提供的方法可以有效利用2核处理器,但是对于更多核的处理器机器,譬如我的机器是4核cpu的,通过观察发现,训练过程中任何时刻,只 有两个处理器的使用率是百分百,其他两个cpu基本闲置。对于闲置的cpu,不用似乎是一种浪费,不过这个问题已经有了解决: Mgiza++
  Multi Thread GIZA++ is an extension to GIZA++ word aligning tool. It can perform much faster training than origin GIZA++ if you have more than one CPUs, in addition it fixed some bugs in GIZA, and the final aligning perplexity is generally lower than original GIZA++.