
韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines)在旧金山降落时坠毁的航班上的两名乘客已经起诉这家航空公司,说他们因这起事故而受到极大的人身伤害和精神创伤。这起诉讼据信是坠机事故之后的第一起。韩亚航空的一名律师没有立即回复置评请求。

Two passengers aboard the Asiana Airlines 020560.SE -0.21% flight that crashed while touching down in San Francisco have sued the airline, claiming they suffered 'extreme and catastrophic injuries and emotional distress' as a result of the accident.

7月6日,韩亚航空214航班在旧金山国际机场(San Francisco International Airport)进场着陆时撞上跑道前的防波堤。飞机打滑后停下,随后起火。事故导致三人死亡,另有数十人受伤。

The suit is believed to be the first following the crash. A lawyer for Asiana didn't immediately respond to a request seeking comment.

美国国家运输安全委员会(National Transportation Safety Board)主席赫斯曼(Deborah Hersman)上周说,该委员会的调查人员在初期调查中没有发现设备失灵的迹象。了解调查情况的人士说,安全委员会在调查飞行员是否接受了适当的培训。

Asiana flight 214 hit a seawall in front of a runway as it came in to land at San Francisco International Airport on July 6. The plane skidded to a stop before catching fire. The crash killed three and injured dozens more.


In their initial probe, investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board didn't find evidence of equipment malfunctions, NTSB Chairman Deborah Hersman said last week. The agency was looking into whether the pilots had received adequate training, according to people familiar with the investigation.

扬加•尤恩•马绍罗(Younga Jun Machorro)和儿子本杰明•赫伊•马绍罗(Benjamin Hyo-Ik Machorro)在旧金山联邦法院提起这桩诉讼。扬加的丈夫、本杰明的父亲赫克托•马绍罗(Hector Machorro)也参与诉讼,他当时没有在飞机上。他声称因妻子受伤而蒙受了损失。

Asiana officials have repeatedly said the pilots were both highly experienced and the airline's training programs meet all international and South Korean requirements.

加州核桃溪市(Walnut Creek) Bowles & Verna LLP律所的原告律师韦尔纳(Michael Verna)说,韩亚航空机组人员的行为极其鲁莽大意,这些飞行员连最基本的任务都做不到──在无风的晴朗天气降落在跑道上。

The lawsuit was filed in San Francisco federal court by Younga Jun Machorro and her son Benjamin Hyo-Ik Machorro. Also joining the suit was Hector Machorro, the husband of Younga and father of Benjamin, who wasn't aboard the flight. He claims losses stemming from his wife's injuries.

韦尔纳说,坠机事故后马绍罗太太和儿子都在旧金山综合医院(San Francisco General Hospital)接受治疗。他说,X光检查显示没有骨折的情况,但两人背部都受了伤,仍在治疗中。

'The conduct of Asiana's flight crew was egregiously reckless and negligent,' said Michael Verna of Bowles & Verna LLP, the Walnut Creek, Calif., lawyers for the plaintiffs. 'These pilots were unable to do the most basic task