In layered nets, each neuron in a given layer is connected by trainable weights to each neuron in the next layer.
See also observation language.
machine learningsymbolic learning algorithmsattributesclassificationsupervisedconnectionistpatterns
They achieve this by being able to alter their internal state, q. In effect, they are computing a function of two arguments, P(x | q) = y. When the program is in learning mode, the program computes a new state q' as well as the outputy, as it executes.
In the case of supervised learning, in order to constructq', one needs a set of inputs xi and corresponding target outputs zi (i.e. you want P(xi | q) = zi when learning is complete). The new state functionL is computed as:
L(P, q, ((x1,z1), ..., (xn, zn))) = q'
See also unsupervised learning, observation language, and hypothesis language.
When an artificial neural networklearning algorithm causes the total error of the net to descend into a valley of the error surface, that valley may or may not lead to the lowest point on the entire error surface. If it does not, the minimum into which the total error will eventually fall is termed a local minimum. The learning algorithm is sometimes referred to in this case as "trapped in a local minimum."
In such cases, it usually helps to restart the algorithm with a new, randomly chosen initial set of weights - i.e. at a new random point in weight space. As this means a new starting point on the error surface, it is likely to lead into a different valley, and hopefully this one will lead to the true (absolute) minimum error, or at least a better minimum error.