
金融危机令欧洲受到重创,但欧洲的银行家们没有受到太大的打击。欧洲银行管理局(European Banking Authority)周一公布的数据显示,2011年欧洲有3,175名金融领域工作者的年薪不低于100万欧元(合130万美元),其中多数人是在英国工作。

The financialcrisis was brutal on Europe, but its bankers didn't do too badly.


The European Banking Authority published data Monday showing that 3,175 European finance-sector workers each earned at least 1 million ($1.3 million) in 2011, the vast majority of them based in the U.K.


Although the total amount paid out was lower than in 2010 and doesn't reach the levels seen in the U.S, the report shows how European banks kept handing out generous paychecks even as the euro-zone crisis flared up and the EU introduced more stringent rules on pay.


Unemployment-ravaged Spain, for instance, had 125 bankers in 2011 who hauled in more than 2.4 million apiece, for a total of more than 300 million.


The data, published for the first time by the EBA, are likely to further roil already irked politicians who have been pressing banks to lower the amounts they hand out to top staffers.


The U.K.