
周二举行的年度股东大会上,Research In Motion Ltd.(RIM)正式更名为黑莓公司(BlackBerry Ltd.),但该公司仍然面临着多年来困扰其管理层的那些难题,尤其是与其在美国智能手机市场乏善可陈的表现有关的难题。会议在该公司位于安大略省滑铁卢的总部附近举行,最主要的任务包括更名以及宣布长期担任董事会成员的韦特默(John Wetmore)和前董事长理查德森(John Richardson)将不再寻求重新入选董事会。

Research In Motion Ltd. officially changed its name to BlackBerry Ltd. at its annual shareholders meeting Tuesday. But the company continued to face some of the same tough questions that have dogged management for years, particularly about its poor showing in the U.S. smartphone market.

自从上个月发布低于预期的盈利以来,股东一直在抛售黑莓的股票。在股东大会上,首席执行长海因斯(Thorsten Heins)宣读了事先准备好的发言稿。他在发言中请求股东多一些耐心,说公司还处在复苏的初期阶段。

The core business of the meeting, held near company headquarters here, included the name change and an announcement that two longtime board members, John Wetmore and former chairman John Richardson, wouldn't seek re-election to the board.


Shareholders have punished BlackBerry's stock after it reported weaker-than-expected earnings last month. In prepared remarks at the meeting, Chief Executive Thorsten Heins asked shareholders for more patience, saying the company was still in the early stages of its recovery.


'We obviously did not deliver what many analysts and investors expected in the short term,' Mr. Heins said. 'We're driving night and day to deliver improvements.'

这些知情人士说,负责美国销售的副总裁皮亚森汀(Richard Piasentin)就是上个月在最新一轮裁员中被裁掉的。黑莓的一名发言人证实皮亚森汀已经不在该公司工作,但拒绝就裁员的情况置评。

As part of its restructuring, the company is planning to cut more jobs across middle management in the sales and support divisions, say people familiar with the matter, on top of the 5,000 layoffs last fiscal year.


Part of the latest cuts included Richard Piasentin, the company's vice president for sales in the U.S., who was fired last month, these people said. A BlackBerry spokesman confirmed that Mr. Piasentin is no longer with the company, but declined to comment on layoffs.

来自Jaguar Financial Corp.的维权股东阿尔伯尼(Vic Alboini)询问了拆分或出售公司的可能性。该公司去年开始考虑这一选择。

The meeting wasn't contentious, but unlike last year, when shareholders praised the company and Mr. Heins, they asked more pointed questions about the company's strategy.


Activist shareholder Vic Alboini of Jaguar Financial Corp. asked about the possibility of breaking up or selling the company, an option the company began considering last year.


'Before you go into any strategic options,' Mr. Heins replied, 'I think you have to create value. Currently, I cannot distractmanagement from what I expect them to do.'


Mr. Heins did say he was '100% open to partnerships and alliances,' but declined to elaborate about who those potential partners might be.


Many shareholders expressed frustration at the slow uptake for the company's new slate of smartphones launched this year. Of particular concern was the company's poor performance in the U.S., where its market share has dwindled from over 50% in 2009 to less than 3%, according to Gartner, and where sales of the all-touch-screen Z10 have failed to take off since its March launch.

海因斯承认在美国学到了许多教训,但说他并不觉得在美国发布Z10是场灾难。他将责任大部分归咎于美国运营商,说它们投机取巧,只推广热卖机型,此言暗指苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的iPhone和三星电子(Samsung Electronics Corp.)的Galaxy系列手机。

One shareholder said he thought the Z10 rollout in the U.S. was 'a disaster,' and asked if the launch of the keyboard-equipped Q10 would be better. Another shareholder asked why the company was finding it so hard to build momentum in the U.S.

九名留任的黑莓董事会成员均以压倒多数当选。只有董事会主席斯蒂米斯特(Barbara Stymiest)得票率不到98%,其得票为81%,逾18%的股东投弃权票。

Mr. Heins conceded 'there were many lessons learned' in the U.S. but said he didn't think the launch was a disaster. He placed much of the blame on U.S. carriers, whom he accused of 'opportunistic thinking' in only promoting hot-selling devices, alluding to Apple Inc.'s iPhone and Samsung Electronics Corp.'s Galaxy line of phones.