一架正在着火、机舱内乱成一锅粥的飞机上跳到倾斜角度很大的逃生滑梯上并非易事,这个动作需要双臂和双手来帮助完成。然而一次又一次,总有乘客在逃生时带着行李箱和笔记本电脑等他们似乎无法舍弃的贵重物品。韩亚航空(Asiana Airlines)214次航班在旧金山落地时坠毁。相关图片显示,一些从这架波音777航班生还的乘客拿着他们的随身行李和iPad,茫然不知所措。甚至有一个人还带了两瓶盒装免税酒。还有些人穿着高跟鞋逃生,生命危在旦夕的时候,这样做也非常不妥。
Jumping down a steep evacuation slide from a burning airplane with people all around panicking isn't easy, and you need your arms and hands to help. Yet time after time, passengers evacuate toting suitcases, laptop computers and other valuables they
apparently can't leave behind.
美国职业空乘协会(Association of Professional Flight Attendants)公关协调员、美国航空公司(American Airlines)资深空乘人员梅奥(Leslie Mayo)说,逃生时间只有90秒,甚至更少,如果人们担心的是自己的行李而不是他人,这就是个大问题。
Images from the crash
landing of Asiana Airlines 020560.SE +1.45% Flight 214 in San Francisco showed some dazed passengers fleeing the Boeing BA +0.16% 777 wreckage with carry-on bags and iPads. One even had two boxes of duty-free alcohol. Some ran in shoes with heels