
南非前总统纳尔逊•曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)的病情周四依然危重,他目前入院治疗已接近一个月。与此同时,其家族围绕曼德拉几个孩子被掘出的遗骨产生的争执得到了解决。南非总统祖马(Jacob Zuma)周四到医院看望了曼德拉,并再次表示曼德拉的病情虽然危重但仍稳定。祖马说,马迪巴(曼德拉的部落名)正在接受由多位医学教授组成的多学科医疗团队的最佳治疗,这些医生夜以继日地守候在他床边;他得到了很好的照料。

Nelson Mandela on Thursday remained critically ill, nearing a month in the hospital, as a family feud over the exhumed remains of some of the former president's children was resolved.

祖马的发言人马哈拉杰(Mac Maharaj)后来否认了一篇报道的说法,这篇报道称,曼德拉已处于植物人状态,医生们已经敦促曼德拉的家人切断曼德拉的生命支持系统。

President Jacob Zuma visited Mr. Mandela in the hospital Thursday and repeated that his condition remained critical but stable. 'Madiba is receiving the best medical care from a multidisciplinary team of health professionals who are at his bedside around the clock,' President Zuma said, referring to Mr. Mandela by his clan name. 'He is well looked after.'


Mr. Zuma's spokesman later denied a report that Mr. Mandela had fallen into a vegetative state and that doctors had urged the family to switch off a life support system.

据美联社(Associated Press)报道,曼德拉的妻子马谢尔(Graca Machel)周四在约翰内斯堡的一个筹款活动上发表讲话时说,曼德拉入院治疗期间一直感到不适,但很少感到痛苦。

'There clearly is not a vegetative state,' said Mac Maharaj, Mr. Zuma's spokesman. He said the question of removing life support 'hasn't come up at all.' He added that he couldn't confirm Mr. Mandela was on life support, citing doctor-patient confidentiality.


Speaking at a fundraiser in Johannesburg on Thursday, Mr. Mandela's wife Graça Machel said that he has been uncomfortable, but seldom in pain during his hospitalization, the Associated Press reported.

曼德拉这个名叫曼德拉•曼德拉(Mandla Mandela)的孙子对聚集在姆维佐村(Mvezo)一座茅草屋顶会议厅里的一群新闻记者说,对这个家族而言这是个悲伤时刻。曼德拉•曼德拉一直在他担任村长的姆维佐村建造一座纳尔逊•曼德拉遗产中心,并希望吸引游客来这座村庄旅游。

The comments came as his grandson said Thursday he would abandon a fight to keep the exhumed remains of the ailing leader's children, after a court ruled he had tampered with the family graves.


'This is a sad moment for this family,' the grandson, Mandla Mandela, told a group of journalists gathered in a thatched-roof meeting hall in the village of Mvezo. Mandla Mandela has been building a Nelson Mandela heritage center in Mvezo, and had hoped to draw tourists to the village where he is chief.

曼德拉•曼德拉这次是被他的姑姑马卡兹维•曼德拉(Makaziwe Mandela)以及14名曼德拉家族的其他成员和密友告上法庭的,这其中包括曼德拉的现任妻子马谢尔。

On Wednesday, a judge at the Eastern Cape High Court in nearby Mthatha ruled that Mr. Mandela's grandson must return the remains because he exhumed them without permission. He had moved Mr. Mandela's children