在逃的美国国家安全局(National Security Agency)承包商员工爱德华•斯诺登(Edward Snowden)在何处安身的问题上或许没什么选择余地,但对于能娶个什么人,他一下子有了诸多选择。超级明星、俄罗斯间谍查普曼(Anna Chapman)已经向斯诺登示爱。斯诺登曾承认是美国监控项目高度机密信息的泄密者。
Fugitive National Security Agency
contractor Edward Snowden may have few choices about where he can live, but he suddenly has a number of options about who he can marry.
Superstar Russian spy Anna Chapman has professed her love for the admitted leaker of highly classified details of U.S. surveillance programs.