
罗兰•纳尔逊(Roland Nelson)记得,几年前他从妻子那儿收到了一份父亲节礼物,那是个薄薄的、长方形的东西。他原本希望能收到一个圆盘锯,但收到礼物后,他觉得那应该是一张礼品券。

Roland Nelson remembers receiving a slim, rectangular Father's Day present from his wife a few years ago. He was hoping for a circular saw and figured it was a gift certificate.

他猜错了。那是一本书,书名叫《后院养蜂人》(The Backyard Beekeeper)。书中还夹了一张纸条,是他妻子写的:"花点儿时间读一读这本书,看看你有什么想法。"纳尔逊盯着这些字,觉得难以置信,"她为什么还不肯罢休?"

Wrong. It was a book, 'The Backyard Beekeeper,' and tucked inside was a note his wife had written: 'Take some time and read this and see what you think.' Mr. Nelson stared in disbelief. 'Why won't she drop this?' he thought.

朱莉•k•纳尔逊(Julie K. Nelson)从孩童时期就对蜜蜂着迷。大约有一年时间──自从她在一次花园之旅中看见一个后院蜂房后──她就一直在纠缠丈夫,让他和自己一起着手养蜂。朱莉解释说蜂蜜有多健康、蜜蜂会如何给他们的果树传授花粉。她还告诉他,蜜蜂将如何点燃两人婚姻的激情。她说:"你得抓住新的机会来创造我们共同的回忆,日后我们才会拥有可以边聊边笑的往昔。"

Julie K. Nelson had been interested in bees since childhood. For about a year