
多数消费者很少或根本不关心他们电脑的处理器及其他芯片。这也无可厚非。近年来,这些芯片的设计改变并没有给日常的电脑任务处理带来明显的重大改观。但这个月,芯片巨头英特尔(Intel)发布了新一代处理器与芯片,据其称能够显著提升几乎所有轻薄笔记本用户关注的一项重要指标──电池续航时间。实际上,据英特尔所称,这些被称为第四代双核处理器的芯片可以将电池续航时间延长50%,同时能切实改善图形处理能力。英特尔表示,这些新芯片是他们首次专为轻薄笔记本设计的。此类轻薄笔记本,Windows PC版本的被称为超极本,苹果版本的则命名为Macbook Air系列。

Most consumers pay little or no attention to the processors and other chips that power their computers, and rightly so. In recent years, changes to the design of these chips haven't made major, noticeable differences in everyday computing tasks.


But this month, chip giant Intel introduced a new generation of processors and chips that it claims can dramatically improve something important to almost all users of light laptops: battery life. In fact, it claims these chips, called the 4th Generation Core processors, can boost battery life by 50% while actually improving graphics performance. Intel says the new chips are the first it has designed specifically for the slim, light laptops Windows PC makers call Ultrabooks and Apple calls its MacBook Air line.

在测试中,我选择了苹果近期刚发布的最新款Macbook Air。这是目前美国最为轻薄的笔记本。根据研究公司NPD的数据,今年前四个月Macbook Air在美国的零售销量超过了所有Windows超极本的销量总和。此外,我还选择了一款全新的Windows超极本──索尼(Sony)Vaio Pro 13,这是一款精美的笔记本,重量比Macbook Air还要轻,还配备了触摸屏,以配合微软以触摸操作为核心的Windows 8操作系统。

These new processors, code-named 'Haswell' before the release, have been eagerly awaited for months in an industry that has seen laptop sales suffer at the hands of tablets, partly because tablets typically boast much longer battery life. They have now begun to appear in some computers and this week I tested just the battery life of two new models equipped with these new chips. I focused on battery life since that is a huge factor for many users and Intel says the new chips provide its biggest battery-life gain ever.

通过测试,我基本证实了英特尔所说的电池续航能力表现。在评测的13英寸Macbook Air上,这一点显得尤为真切。虽然新款Air并没有进行明显重新设计,只是配备了英特尔的新芯片,加快了Wi-Fi速度,使用了固态硬盘,电池容量只是略有加大,但在我最新测试中,新款Air的电池续航时间比之前测试的上一代产品延长了65%。如果用于常用任务,这款笔记本已经可以全天使用,尽管其体积与重量(约三磅,约合1.36千克)都没有变化。

For my tests, I chose the latest MacBook Air, introduced last week. The Air is the leading slim and light laptop in the U.S. According to research firm NPD, it outsold all Windows Ultrabooks combined in U.S. retail sales for the first four months of this year. I also took a look at an entirely new Windows Ultrabook, the Sony Vaio Pro 13, a handsome, even lighter laptop with a touch screen to accommodate Microsoft's touch-centric Windows 8 operating system.


In my tests, I was able to largely confirm Intel's battery-life claims. This was especially true of the 13-inch MacBook Air I evaluated, whose battery life in my test jumped 65% from my last test of the machine, even though it hasn't been significantly redesigned, except for the inclusion of the new Intel chips, faster Wi-Fi and solid-state storage and a slightly more potent battery. It has become a computercapable of all-day use when performing typical tasks, even though its dimensions and 3-pound weight are unchanged.


Because the 13-inch Sony is new, I couldn't compare it with a prior test, but my results were generally in line with Sony's claims. Out of the box, the 2.34-pound Sony delivers significantly less battery life than the Air, but with an optional second battery that clips to the underside of the machine, its battery life roughly doubles, while its weight grows to be about the same as that of the Air.


In addition to their impressivebattery life, both computers equipped with the midrange i5 model of Intel's line offered the speedyperformance Intel promises and resumed from sleep almost instantaneously.


Their major downside is price. Although Apple cut the price of the upgraded 13-inch Air by $100, it still starts at $1,099 for a configuration with 4 gigabytes of memory and 128 gigabytes of solid-state storage. The 13-inch Sony, with the same memory and storage, is $1,250, and its optional second battery brings the price to $1,400.


These prices are much higher than the $600 to $800 Windows buyers have traditionally spent on a well-equipped laptop, but as the new Intel processors spread throughout the industry, there are likely to be less expensive models.


Without getting into the technical details of chip design, Intel explains it achieved the gains by making numerous tweaks to the power demands of its chips in both their 'active states,' when the user is performing a task, and the frequent 'idle state' when, however briefly, the demands on the chips drop dramatically. In addition, Intel has squeezed all the components onto a single piece of silicon, reducing the power needed for them to interact.


Apple, which unlike Sony controls its own operating system, said it also made many tiny software tweaks that reduced power usage without sacrificing performance. For instance, it was able to cut the power needed to play a video in iTunes, yet I noticed no degradation in the quality or playback smoothness of the same video played on the previous and new models.

苹果声称新的13英寸Macbook Air电池续航时间可以达到至多12个小时。在我的测试中,这款Air坚持了令人吃惊的10小时14分钟,这是我所测试过的单电池笔记本中最长的电池使用时间,几乎和iPad旗鼓相当。在比较常规的使用中,打开省电模式,把屏幕亮度调到75%,我想电池使用时间可以轻松超过11个小时,接近苹果所宣传的12个小时。而我测试的上一代Macbook Air,只坚持了6小时13分钟,我预计常规使用时可以达到苹果所说的七小时电池使用时间。

For these tests, I used the same tough laptop battery test I've used for years. I disable all power-saving features, crank the screenbrightness to 100%, leave on the Wi-Fi to collect email in the background and play an endless loop of music until the computer loses power and shuts off.

索尼宣称13寸Vaio Pro可以坚持六个半小时,而在我的测试中电池表现是5小时56分钟。我预计在常规使用中,其电池续航时间可以达到甚至超过索尼所说的水平。

For the new 13-inch MacBook Air, Apple claims battery life of up to 12 hours. In my tests, the Air lasted an amazing 10 hours and 14 minutes, the longest any single-battery laptop I've reviewed has ever gone and about what an iPad gets. In more normal use, with power-saving turned on and the screen at 75% brightness, I estimate you could get well over 11 hours, nearing the company's 12-hour boast. That compares with the last MacBook Air test I performed, which yielded a result of 6 hours and 13 minutes, and which I estimated could meet Apple's claim at the time of 7 hours of battery life.


Sony claims 6½ hours of battery life out of the box for the 13-inch Vaio Pro and in my test it lasted 5 hours and 56 minutes. I estimate you could meet or even exceed Sony's claim in normal use.


In a second test with the second $150 battery attached, the Sony lasted 11 hours and 52 minutes, compared with Sony's claim of up to 13 hours. In normal use, I estimate you could approach that 13-hour mark.

Walter S. Mossberg