
中国和美联储(Federal Reserve)计划的担忧连续第二天引发全球市场波动,美股创今年年初以来的最大跌幅,债券和很多大宗商品受到严重冲击。美股遭抛售导致道琼斯指数跌353.87点,至14758.32点,跌幅2.34%,是2011年11月1日以来首次连续两个交易日跌幅达200点甚至更多。随着债券价格下跌,美国国债收益率创下2011年8月以来的最高记录。住房建筑商股价下挫,反映出投资者担心不断上升的抵押贷款利率可能损害美国楼市复苏。美国楼市的复苏被视为是整体经济复苏的一个关键。

Worries about China and the Federal Reserve's plans rattled global markets for a second day, sending U.S. stocks to their biggest loss this year and hammering bonds and many commodities.


The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 353.87 points, or 2.34%, to 14758.32, on big volume, marking its first back-to-back decline of 200 points or more since Nov. 1, 2011. Yields on Treasurys hit their highest since August 2011 as bond prices fell. Shares of home builders sank, reflecting fears that rising mortgage rates could damage the U.S. housing recovery, viewed as a key cog in any broader economic recovery.


The turmoil exposed vulnerabilities in the financial markets and the world economy that had been mostly ignored because central banks were willing to ride to the rescue with huge amounts of money.


Investors said Thursday they were buffeted by two distinct forces: worries about the health of China's economy and financial sector, and the prospect that the end of Fed stimulus could reverse the huge rally in assets ranging from 'junk' bonds to dividend-paying stocks. Gains in many of those assets had been fueled by ultralow interest rates and expectations that the Fed would continue to pump money into financial markets.

美股下挫的前一天,美联储主席贝南克(Ben Bernanke)说,美联储预计今年晚些时候将削减大规模债券购买计划,明年债券购买计划可能结束,前提是经济形势符合美联储的预期。在美国经济小幅增长、通货膨胀低于美联储的目标之际,美联储可能停止向经济提供极宽松的信贷,这一前景令全球市场大幅波动。

The rout underscored persistent worry about the health of the global economy at a time when the U.S. and Europe are struggling with high unemployment. Adding to the wrenching action is a cash squeeze in China, which is trying to tighten the spigot on credit without causing problems, and a report that financing for cash-strapped Greece could be in danger.


The declines came a day after Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said that the central bank expects to begin to pare its huge bond-buying program later this year and it could end sometime next year, provided the economy unfolds as the Fed expects. The prospect of the Fed weaning the economy off extraordinarily easy credit at a time when the pace of U.S. economic growth is modest and inflation is below the Fed's target jolted markets around the world.


At the same time, many investors believe the shakeout heralds a shift toward higher interest rates and sustained, healthier U.S. growth, following a long period of ultralow interest rates that helped feed investor funds into higher-yielding investments. Those investments have declined sharply in recent weeks as the market has begun preparing for more-normal rates.


The action showed investors continue to grapple with the impact of an eventual reduction of the Fed's $85 billion in monthly bond purchases. U.S. bonds and stocks have broadly risen this year, with few sizable declines until the past month.

市场对贝南克制定的潜在时间表感到不安。Eaton Vance旗下基金Global Macro Absolute Return Fund的投资组合经理斯坦(Eric Stein)说,在美联储的政策因可能停止而开始大打折扣的情况下,你不仅可能面临资产价格下跌,还会面临更大的波动。该基金管理着68亿美元的资产。

The market reactions were a potential jolt to the Fed. Central-bank officials have been speakingpublicly for weeks about the possibility of winding down the bond-buying program. Mr. Bernanke sought to emphasize in remarks Wednesday that the Fed would stand down if the economy stumbles.

一些投资者说,经济仍然保持稳步扩张势头。费城联邦储备银行制造业指数周四上涨。Miller Tabak & Co.的首席经济策略师威尔金森(Andrew Wilkinson)说,我发现在经济变得更强劲时,很难认为熊市即将开始,但是相反的观点如今正深入人心。

Markets were jarred by the potential timetable that Mr. Bernanke laid out. 'With the Fed beginning to discount an exit from their policy, you're not only potentially decreasing asset prices