年春秋两季,印度教徒都会庆祝Navrati节。在为期9天的庆典中印度人每天敬拜一位不同的女神。Navrati节会在"崇拜少女日"(kanya puja)当天达到高潮。当天,每家每户都会邀请附近的年轻女孩来到家中,整个家族会在父亲或者家族长老的带领下,向她们鞠躬,为她们洗脚,向她们祷告,奉上专门为其烹饪的素食大餐,并送上礼物和钱财。
Twice a year, in spring and fall, India's Hindus
celebrate Navrati, a nine-day
festival during which they pray each day to a different
female deity. Navrati culminates in 'kanya puja,' or a day of
maiden worshiping: Every household invites over the young girls of the
neighborhood and, led by the father or patriarch, bows before them, washes their feet, prays to them, offers them a
specially prepared feast of vegetarian delicacies and showers them with gifts and money.
Growing up, I would make several weeks' worth of
allowance on that one day. But this ancient practice wasn't meant to pamper the girls. It served to
remind men of the qualities