爱马仕(Hermes)位于巴黎Rue de Sevres大街的门店对面,该品牌的另一个店面正在筹备,它将于今年9月开张。新店将摆满精致的家居用品和优雅的服装,包括用手工毛线制作的极具雕塑感的礼服,这种制作工艺已有几百年的历史,从中可以尽显这个法国时尚品牌对细节的关注。这家门店与爱马仕传统门店的一个主要区别是:几乎所有的货品都将在中国生产。该门店不是爱马仕品牌的一家新店,而是这家奢侈品公司旗下子品牌"上下"的首个国际门店。长期以来,中国制造一直是偷工减料和廉价商品的
同义词。过去,几乎没有哪个西方奢侈品品牌愿意承认自己有多少货品是在中国生产的。不过,随着很多中国本土品牌专注于高质量的做工,常常集传统元素与精致的设计于一体,人们的这一观念正在慢慢改变。高端女装品牌王汁(Uma Wang)、女鞋品牌贞(Mary Ching)和男装品牌七匹狼(Septwolves)等就属于这类中国品牌。
JUST ACROSS THE street from its store on Rue de Sevres in Paris, Hermes is gutting a second space, to open in September. That new store will be filled with
finelywrought homewares and
elegant clothes, including sculptural dresses made from hand-felted cashmere in a centuries-old process
typical of the French house's attention to detail. There is one major difference: Nearly all the stock will be produced in China. This isn't another branch of Hermes: It's the first
international site for the
luxury company's subsidiary Shang Xia.
这些品牌逐渐开始吸引中国庞大的奢侈品消费群体中那些最前卫的时尚人士。摄影师、博主德里迈(Lionel Derimais)说,年轻的中国女性非常有眼光,她们想要与众不同的东西。德里迈在其开设了三年的网站Nicely Made in China上记述了这类中国本土高端品牌的崛起。德里迈说,每个人都已有一个路易威登(Louis Vuitton)或古驰(Gucci)的包包,这些女孩想要与众不同的东西,常常是中国品牌。
For a long time, Chinese production has been synonymous with corner-cutting and cheap goods. Few Western
luxury brands were
willing to admit how much of their stock was manufactured there. However, that
perception is slowly changing as many homegrown brands