

Some of the hottest consumer products continue to be Web-connected multipurpose devices, such as tablets and smartphones. Since the advent of the app store, there seems to be no limit to what these gadgets can do. Nothing is just a phone, a camera or a television anymore.


What happened to devices that do one thing but do it extremely well? Not everything has to be connected to the Web and fit in your pocket.


Or does it?


Some say that consumers settle for less each time we choose to buy the movie, the book and the music all rolled into one app-driven and uber-convenient device that allows us to share its content instantly with friends.

格雷戈尔•伯克威茨(Gregor Berkowitz)是旧金山的一名咨询师,与初创企业和技术公司合作构思有关新产品和新体验的创意并将其变为现实。丹•萨菲尔(Dan Saffer)是旧金山斯玛特设计公司(Smart Design,一家在纽约、旧金山和巴塞罗那均设有分支机构的创新咨询公司)的交互设计主任。伯克威茨认为多功能设备对大多数消费者来说是最有用的选择。萨菲尔则认为仍然有些事情还是单一功能设备做得最好。

Then again, something else tells us that what such devices ultimately deliver is a new kind of customer experience