
Samsung Overhaul Will Form 2 Divisions


Samsung Electronics Co. on Friday said it would restructure itself into two operating divisions, one focused on consumer products like television sets and cellphones and the other on components such as memory chips and displays.

The company said Chief Executive Officer Lee Yoon-woo would directly oversee the components division. Mr. Lee, who is 62 years old, is a former leader of Samsung's chip business and became CEO last May.

The consumer-products unit will be led by Choi Gee-sung, who has been president of the company's cellphone operation for the last two years and led the TV and video business before that.

The restructuring elevates Mr. Choi, 57 years old. Samsung became the world's largest maker of TV sets by units when Mr. Choi was in charge of that business. Since he took control of the cellphone business in 2007, Samsung overtook Motorola Inc. to become the world's second-largest handset maker by units. Nokia Corp. is the largest maker of cellphones.

But the change also underlines Samsung's major operational challenge: that its components businesses serve companies that compete with its own consumer-products businesses. For years, Samsung's CEO has had to balance the strategies of divisions that sometimes stepped on the toes of customers of other divisions.

For the past two years, Samsung operated four main divisions -- chips, liquid crystal displays, consumer electronics and cellphones. In 2007, it combined a home-appliance business with consumer electronics.

Evan Ramstad


星电子(Samsung Electronics Co.)周五宣布,公司将重组为两个运营分部;一个部门主要从事电视机、手机等消费产品业务,另一部门则集中了存储芯片和显示器等零部件业务。

该公司称,首席执行长李润雨(Lee Yoon-woo)将直接负责零部件分部。现年62岁的李润雨原为三星电子芯片业务分部负责人,去年5月份就任CEO。

消费产品分部将由崔志成(Choi Gee-sung)领导。崔志成在过去两年中担任三星电子手机业务部总裁,之前负责电视和视频设备业务。

经过重组,现年57岁的崔志成将获得提升。在他负责公司电视业务部期间,三星电子成为全球产量最高的电视机生产商。他于2007年接受手机业务部之后,三星电子按产量衡量又超过摩托罗拉公司(Motorola Inc.)成为全球第二大电话机生产商。诺基亚公司(Nokia Corp.)是全球最大的手机生产商。



  • overtook [,əuvə´tuk] 移动到这儿单词发声 overtake的过去式 四级词汇