

Scientists have used cloning technology to transform human skin cells into embryonic stem cells, an experiment that may revive the controversy over human cloning.


The researchers stopped well short of creating a human clone. But they showed, for the first time, that it is possible to create cloned embryonic stem cells that are genetically identical to the person from whom they are derived.


These stem cells can go on to differentiate into heart, nerve, muscle, bone and all the other tissue types that make up a human body.

但密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)克隆专家奇贝利(Jose Cibelli)说,上述最新实验所描述的种种改进表明,研究人员创造出一只克隆猴只是时间问题。奇贝利没有参与这项实验。他还说,这同时意味着这些研究人员距离有人愿意尝试克隆人只有一步之遥,虽然克隆人还是一个遥远且令人不安的前景。

Since the birth of Dolly the sheep in 1996, researchers have cloned about 20 different species, including rabbits, goats, cows and cats. Yet they so far have been unable to create biologically identical copies of any monkey or primate, including humans, possibly because their reproductive biology is more complicated.

实验过程周三发布在专业期刊《细胞》(Cell)杂志的网站上。这项研究由俄勒冈健康与科学大学(Oregon Health and Science University)资助,法国勒迪克基金会(Leducq Foundation)提供赠款。

But the refinements described in the latest experiment suggest that 'it's a matter of time before they produce a cloned monkey,' said Jose Cibelli, a cloning expert at Michigan State University, who wasn't involved in the study. It also means, he added, 'that they are one step closer to where the efficiency is high enough that someone is willing to try' to clone a person, though that remains a distant