
By Rajesh Mirchandani, BBC News

媒体英语会带大家一起学习 BBC 撰稿人在报道世界大事时常用到的单词和短语。

Background: 肯尼迪总统遗孀杰奎琳-肯尼迪在肯尼迪总统被刺杀仅4个月后录制的一段录音采访内容近日被公开。在长达8小时的磁带中,美国最著名的第一夫人透露了她对一些人的看法。

Media English

In the eight hours of relaxed chat between Jacqueline Kennedy and an historian some candid moments reveal strong opinions of world figures.

Churchill in the fifties she says was already quite ga-ga, civil rights leader Martin Luther King was ''a tricky person'', Indira Gandhi, before she became India's first prime minister, was to Mrs Kennedy ''a bitter, horrible woman''.

The tapes include plenty of tender family moments, at one point three-year-old John Kennedy Junior interrupts, the interviewer asks if he knows what happened to his father. He's gone to heaven the young child answers.

What's most remarkable is that these recordings were made just four months after JFK was assassinated. Until her death in 1994 Jacqueline Kennedy stayed silent about her celebrated life. Now we have a rare glimpse in her own words.