

abdomen n.(人体的)腹部

torso 躯干 mortal 死亡 immortal 不朽 vital 有生命力的,有活力的 digital 数字的

bereave v. 1. 剥夺,使丧失

2. 使痛失(亲属等)

同义词:deprive 剥夺 deprive sb. of bereave sb. of derive 获得 derive from

MEANING: deprive ruthlessly; rob; take away

consecrate v. 奉为神圣,尊崇

sacred 神圣的 vestment 袈裟,法衣

evoke v. 唤起,引起

-vok / - voc vocal cords 声带 advocate 支持,拥护

v. 支持者,拥护者

evocative adj. 引起的,

引发性的 evocation n.

invoke 祈祷 invocation n. invocative adj.

provoke 激怒 provocative adj. provocation n.

convoke 召集 convocation n. convocative adj.

attack 攻击 loom 若隐若现;n. 织布机

univocal 含义明确的

equivocal 模棱两可的

unity universal unique

equal 等价的

vocation 职业 avocation 副业

revoke 撤销 revocative adj. revocation n.

groove n. 沟,槽,凹线

MEANING: a long narrow channel or furrow, corrugation, rut

TYPICAL USE: Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.

新郎有mm (m),凹槽有ve

groom bride vicar bishop

vestment groom

jolt v. 摇动,使颠簸

MEANING: shake roughly, shake with sudden jerks TYPICAL USE: The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.

dolt 傻瓜 jolt 颠簸 molt 脱毛 bolt 离开 逗 (d) 他小傻瓜,叫 (j) 他是颠簸,有毛 (m) 就脱毛,不行 (b) 就离开

obsolete adj. 作废的,过时的

ob- 离开 obscene

rubber 橡皮

Hit the dirts.

prowl v. 潜行以寻觅或偷窃

TYPICAL USE: Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat.

plmm rpwt frjj rr

pledge 发誓 pledge one's eternal love plunder 抢劫 pluck 勇气;v. 拔,采摘 plough 皱纹;v. 耕地,犁地 plague v. 折磨;n. 瘟疫 platitude 腐朽,陈词滥调 attitude 态度,观点

plasma 血浆

scoop v. 掘挖

coop 鸡窝 raccoon 浣熊 hippopotamus 河马 hippocampus 海马 tycoon 大亨 swan 天鹅 swank 打扮 toady 阿谀奉承

status n. 状况,地位

stat 站着 station 站 stationary adj. static 静止的

sue v. 起诉,控告

bandit n. 强盗,土匪

gangster 强盗

commemorate v. 纪念,庆祝

memory 记忆

The brick is dedicated to commemorate Lily.

delicate 光滑的,精致的,脆弱的,颜色或味道淡淡的,纤细的 delicacy n. dedicate 奉献,贡献 dedicative adj. dedication n. intricate 复杂的 intricacy n. indicate 提示,表明 indicative adj. indication n.


defile v. 弄脏,弄污

deviation n. 离题,偏差

fortitude n. 坚忍,刚毅

fort fortify 巩固 fortress 城堡

actor 男演员 actress 女演员 waiter waitress

inconsolable adj. 伤心的

solar 太阳的 sol console 安慰 solace 安慰

lunar 月亮的 Luna 月神 lunatic 疯子 eclipse 食 clipping

console 安慰 consolable 可安慰的

nibble vi. 细咬,细食

TYPICAL USE: Aren't you hungry? You are only nibbling your food.

babble 胡言乱语 gabble 口齿不清,说话急促 dabble 涉足,戏水 gobble 狼吞虎咽 nibble 小口轻咽 abble好象able,baby胡言乱语,哥哥口齿不清,弟弟在那戏水,gobble狼吞虎咽,nibble小口吞咽

pageant n. 壮观,华饰

tenant 房客 elegant 优雅的 warrant 保证,担保

propagate 繁殖 prone 倾向 prone to be prone to

scourge n. 引起灾害的事物或人

courage 勇气

smother 窒息,减少


sway sneak naked maple ample amplify

plough plasma platitude plague pledge plunder prowl pluck

banditgangstercommemorate solar eclipse Luna lunatic


tumble v. 跌落,跌倒

humble 谦虚 含苞要谦卑,贪步会跌倒

stumble 跌倒,绊倒 stumble to 明白 gamble 赌博 tumbler 不倒翁

tum 臃肿 tumid 臃肿的

limpid 清澈的 turbid 混沌的 torpid 有气无力的 humid 潮湿的

humous 腐殖土的

tumor 肿瘤

afflict v. 使痛苦

-flict 打 conflict 冲突

MEANING: cause pain to, trouble very much, sicken, ail TYPICAL USE: There are many illnesses which afflict old people.


censure v. 责难

versatile 多才多艺的

chastise 责备 pan 平底锅,猛烈批评 panic 恐怖

dissimulation n. 假装,掩饰

simulate 模仿 simulation n. stimulate 刺激 stimulation n.

mediate 调解 meditate 考虑

simulate 模仿 dissimulate v. 假装

stimulate simulate stimulation n. simulation n. mediate meditate mediation n. meditation

flog v. 重打,鞭笞

MEANING: beat or whip hard, paddle, cane TYPICAL USE: Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailers.

flair 天赋的本能 flog 鞭打

blog 博客

flinch 畏缩

quail 鹌鹑;v. 畏缩 exodus 成群结队外出

flaunt 炫耀 flock 成群结队的飞;n. 一群 flout 藐视,蔑视 flounder 挣扎 飞回inch为畏缩,飞来的圆木在鞭打,飞在空中是本能,飞来的姑姑在炫耀,锁在一起成群飞,飞到外边受蔑视,飞到下边才挣扎

flirt 调情

flee 逃走

glee 高兴

feeble 脆弱的,易受伤害的 fade 褪色 fling 抛,扔 flee为逃走,fade为褪色,fling抛石头,feeble才脆弱

fledge 鸟儿长羽毛,喂养

pledge 发誓

duckling 小鸭子 catling 小猫

fledgling 小鸟 yearling 一岁大的小动物

hedge 篱笆 haunt 常来常往的地方,鬼神出没的地方,萦绕于心头难以忘记

Memory haunts me. commemorate

be haunted by 被......所困扰

inscription n. 题字,碑铭

subscribe 订阅 ascribe 归因于 circumscribe 限制


conscribe 征兵 prescribe 开药方

toady swank

inscribe 铭刻,雕刻

pebble 卵石 rubble 碎石 scribble 涂鸦 hobble 跛行 quibble 借口 拍卵石,入碎石,写涂鸦,好跛行、鬼借口

defend offend


quaint 古怪 acquaint 熟悉 exquisite 精美的,华丽的

meddle v. 干预或扰乱他人之事

meddle with sth.

posture n. 人体的姿势

pose compose 创作,组成 be composed of compose sth composition 作文

decompose 分解


impose 征税


expose 暴露 depose 降职,免职 deposit 沉积物,下蛋,产卵

spawn 产卵 roe 卵 fawn 小鹿;v. 奉承 pawn 典当


quail exodus

rummage v. 翻寻,寻找

rumor 谣言

spout v. 喷出,涌出

specialist 专家


TYPICAL USE: The water spouted out when the pipe was broken.

sprout 发芽

brother bother broth 肉汤 兄弟无人是肉汤

disturb turbid limpid

spurn 踢到一边去

urn 咖啡壶,骨灰罐

spur 踢马刺,刺激

Saturn 土星 saturnine 极度忧郁的,极度郁闷的

spank 打人

swank 打扮 专家爱打人,天鹅爱打扮

sphere 球体 sparrow 麻雀 spoil 溺爱,损坏


spouse 配偶 sprain 扭伤


traverse v. 走过,横过

universe 宇宙 universal 井然有序的,普遍的

reverse 颠倒,反转 inverse 反转的,相反的 anniversary 周年纪念

annual 每年的

averse 憎恨的,厌恶的

avocation 副业 moral - morality n. - immoral mortal - mortality n. - immortal amoral 没有道德意识的

perverse 故意作对的,刚愎自用的 adverse 敌对的 adversary 对手

controversy 矛盾 malversation 诽谤,贪污

malady 疾病 plasma mare retire 退休

relic bare 半裸的,暴露(引申为缺乏) be bare of 缺乏 be rich in 丰富

versatile 多才多艺的 diverse 不同的 diversify v.

wistful adj. 渴望的

cupidity crave eager meager 缺乏

amicable adj. 友善的

amiable 友善的,和善的

blizzard n. 大风雪,暴风雪

lizard 蜥蜴

cruise v. 往返航行,海上游弋

cruiser 巡洋舰 bruise 淤伤 bromide 陈腐的

obsolete platitude commonplacepedestrian 行人;adj. 平凡的

bale 灾祸,包裹

blight blaster bold

eradicate v. 根除,歼灭

evaluate elongate

enroll 招收学员 embody 具体体现,具体表现

radical 根本的,基本的,激进的 radicate 使其生根,确立

glimmer n. 微光

glitter 珠宝的闪光 glisten 露珠的闪光 glimmer 微光

slim 苗条

glamour 魅力

amorous 色情的,好色的 morose 郁闷 under the rose 秘密地

prose 散文

homosexual 同性恋

glee 高兴


mortal moral fade flinch spout sprout spurn spoil sparrow sprain

plasma mare maladyglisten bereave glimmer slim crave amiable amicable

blizzard lizardbruise bromide commonplace bale rummage stumble gamble

panic versatile broth swank spank obsolete solar solar eclipse Luna lunaticplague

plough prowl


lump n. 堆,团,大量

lump 肿块 lumpish 笨拙的,臃肿的 plump 丰满的 bump 碰撞 bump into bumper 保险杠 bumper car

mope 不开心

gloom 郁闷的,天气不好的,阴沉的,昏暗的

bump 碰撞 gump 傻瓜 lump 肿块 plump 丰满的 slump 脱落,跌落

mirth 高兴 mend 修补

malady mare nightmare


MEANING: a mass of something solid without a special size or shape TYPICAL USE: On his desk, many articles and documents are always piled in great lump.

slump v. 陷,猛然落下

TYPICAL USE: Our feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice.

ransack v. 细细搜索

lay off get your sack


slash v. (以剑、刀等) 砍

lash 鞭打 flog 鞭打

sparrow spurn Saturn spoil

sphere sprout spout sprain


sacred vestment consecrate

mirth mend moral immoral

amoral avocation

vogue n. 时尚,流行

vague 模糊 linger 徘徊,逗留

I have a lingering fear.

TYPICAL USE: That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.

ascribe v. 将......归因于......

TYPICAL USE: He ascribes his success to skill and hard work.

bulwark n. 防波堤

Styx 冥河 Pluto 冥王星 abyss 深渊 abysmal 深的,深渊的 Titan 巨人 titanic absurd 荒谬的

ch chronic 慢性病 chronicle 编年史 chronometer 记时计

pro Prometheus

Epimetheus deluge 大洪水 epi

tome 一卷书,一册书 atom 原子

epitome 故事的梗概

Achilles Achilles' heel 致命的弱点

chill tremble 颤抖 extreme 极限 extreme sports 极限运动

dubious adj. 惊疑的,暖昧的

facet n. (事情之) 一面

farce 闹剧


头(tou)- toe 屁(pi)- pea 豌豆 扑克(pu ke)- puke 呕吐 臭(chou)- chou 女朋友

peacock 孔雀

fart 放屁

heed n. 注意

huddle v. 挤成一团

waddle 摇摆

mumble v. 喃喃而言;咕哝

hush 安静 trickle woo woo one's dream

go after 追求

relic n. 遗迹;遗物遗俗

TYPICAL USE: The ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean War in 1950.

smog n. 烟雾

smog = smoke + fog

wayfarer n. 旅人;徒步旅行者

wont n. 习惯

absolve v. 赦免

abuse 滥用 abnormal 变态的 abide 忍受 absolve 赦免

bias n. 偏见

contend v. 竞争;辩论

tender 细嫩的

deplore v. 悲痛;深悔

fracture n. 挫伤;骨折

fraction 部分 friction 摩擦 faction 团体,党派 fiction 小说 a部分i摩擦,部分无花是党派,摩擦无花是小说

refraction 折射 reflection 反射;反思

narcissus 水仙花 echo 回音,回声 echo location


frag fragile 脆的,易碎的

exile 流放 agile 敏捷的 agenda 会议议程

fragment 碎片

magnitude n. 大小;量;长 (度)

magnify 放大 magnificent 精美的,华丽的

relish n. 胃口;喜好

famine 饥荒 famish 使饥饿 vanish 消失 punish 惩罚 banish 放逐

abandon 放纵 liberated

polish 抛光

apple-polisher 马屁精

lumpish 笨拙的

surly adj. 暴怒的

exile agile agenda

banish vanish famish


blemish 污点;v. 弄脏 relish

sneak v. 潜行;行为鬼祟

TYPICAL USE: Trying not to be seen, they quietly sneaked into the room.

sample 标本,样品 scuba 潜水呼吸器 smuggle 走私

marsh 沼泽 marshal 元帅

scuba smuggle marsh banish

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