
    洋洋:最近实在太热了!    心涛:前几天我查日历才发现已经大暑了,怪不得这么热呢!    洋洋:大暑?什么是大暑?    心涛:大暑是中国农历二十四节气之一,是一年当中日照最强、温度最高的日子。    洋洋:就是人们所说的三伏天吗?    心涛:不是,但是也并非完全没有关系。    洋洋:什么意思?    心涛:大暑通常是在每年的7月23号或者24号,它只有一天。而三伏天指的是一段时期,它出现在小暑与立秋之间,是一年中气温最高且又潮湿、闷热的日子。也就是说,大暑只是三伏天当中的一天。    洋洋:哦,原来是这样。那三伏天会持续多长时间呢?    心涛:三伏天主要分为初伏、中伏和末伏,一般在每年的7月下旬到8月上旬,大约持续三、四十天。    洋洋:看来这挥汗如雨的日子还得持续一段时间啊。 TT: It's really hot these days!
XT: I didn't realize the great heat has arrived until I checked the calendar several days ago. No wonder it's so hot.
YY: Great heat? What is that?
XT: It's one of the Chinese twenty-four solar terms; it is the day when sunshine is the strongest and temperature highest.
YY: Is it what people call the dog days?
XT: No, it's not. But great heat and the dog days are related.
YY: What do you mean?
XT: Great heat always comes annually on July.23th or 24th. It's only one day. However, the dog days refer a period of time, between slight heat and beginning of autumn, when the weather is the moistest and the most fervent. In other words, great heat is one day of the dog days.
YY: Oh, I see. How long do dog days last for?
XT: The dog days are divided into the first, the second and the last period. The dog days usually begin on the last ten days of July and end on the first ten days of August, lasting for about thirty or forty days.
YY: So the weather making people sweat profusely will last for another period of time.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
Do you know about the twenty-four solar terms of China? Have you heard "keep exercising during the dog days and also during the coldest days" Today let's learn about the dog days. Lesson Content: TT: It's really hot these days!
XT: I didn't realize the great heat has arrived until I checked the calendar several days ago. No wonder it's so hot.
YY: Great heat? What is that?
XT: It's one of the Chinese twenty-four solar terms; it is the day when sunshine is the strongest and temperature highest.
YY: Is it what people call the dog days?
XT: No, it's not. But great heat and the dog days are related.
YY: What do you mean?
XT: Great heat always comes annually on July.23th or 24th. It's only one day. However, the dog days refer a period of time, between slight heat and beginning of autumn, when the weather is the moistest and the most fervent. In other words, great heat is one day of the dog days.
YY: Oh, I see. How long do dog days last for?
XT: The dog days are divided into the first, the second and the last period. The dog days usually begin on the last ten days of July and end on the first ten days of August, lasting for about thirty or forty days.
YY: So the weather making people sweat profusely will last for another period of time.