
    心涛:洋洋,好久不见了,最近你忙什么呢?    洋洋:我前阵子去武汉旅游了。    心涛:原来如此!武汉现在应该很热吧?    洋洋:是啊,不过那里刚刚进入梅雨季节,每天都下雨,所以温度并不是特别高。    心涛:梅雨?什么是梅雨?    洋洋:梅雨是初夏时在中国江淮流域经常出现的一种持续时间较长的阴沉多雨天气。因为正值江南梅子的成熟期,所以叫做"梅雨"。并且由于这段时间空气湿度相对较大,终日不见太阳,因此衣物、器皿等特别容易发霉,生锈,又被称作"霉雨"。    心涛:哦,原来是这样。这倒是一种很有趣的气象呢!    洋洋:对啊,我这次去武汉真是长见识了。在那儿呆了一周,雨几乎没有停过,时大时小,连绵不断,这跟北方干旱高温的夏季形成了鲜明对比。    心涛:是吗?有机会我也一定要去感受一下。我还记得曾经学过一首词,"试问闲愁都几许?一川烟草,满城飞絮,梅子黄时雨",这里的最后一句指的就是梅雨吧?    洋洋:是的。作者用烟草、飞絮和梅雨来表现自己的相思之情。最值得称道的是,他利用江南梅雨连绵不断的特点表现了自己绵长和难以断绝的愁绪,因此被后人誉为绝唱。    心涛:中国的文化真是博大精深啊!看来我还有好多需要学习的地方。 XT: YY, it has been a long time since I last saw you. What are you busy doing these days?
YY: I went on a trip to Wuhan a few days ago.
XT: I see. It must be very hot there at this time.
YY: Yes, but the plum rains just begin to control the weather there. It rains every day, so the temperature is not very high.
XT: Plum rains? What is plum rains?
YY: Plum rains are the cloudy and rainy weather in Yangtze-Huaihe river basin in China that forms when summer enters. It's called plum rains because this kind weather happens when the plums in regions south of the Yangtze River ripen. Besides, high air humidity, without sunshine, makes clothing and utensils easy to go moldy and rusty, so the rain is also called mold rains.
XT: Oh, I see. It's a very interesting weather phenomenon.
YY: Yes, I have learned a lot about the south part of China during this trip. The rain didn't stop in a week. It rained small sometimes, but big sometimes. There is a sharp contrast between weather in the south and arid and fervent weather in the north.
XT: Really? I want to feel the difference if I get a chance. I remember a poem I learned before, "How many things do you worry about? The things I' worry about are as countless as tobaccos on the mountain, as innumerable as the flying willows in the sky, and as countless as the plum rains" Is the last sentence talking about plum rains?
YY: Yes. The poet uses tobaccos, willows and plum rains to show his emotion of missing. What worth praising is he assimilated the successive rainfalls with his profound and endless sorrow, which is regarded by the later generations as the peak of poetic perfection.
XT: Chinese culture is really extensive and profound. I still have a lot of things to study.

-- Jewel@

Lesson Summary:
After learning the dog days, we will learn about another season when plum rains are usual. How are the plum rains? Does your country have a period time of plum rains? Lesson Content: XT: YY, it has been a long time since I last saw you. What are you busy doing these days?
YY: I went on a trip to Wuhan a few days ago.
XT: I see. It must be very hot there at this time.
YY: Yes, but the plum rains just begin to control the weather there. It rains every day, so the temperature is not very high.
XT: Plum rains? What is plum rains?
YY: Plum rains are the cloudy and rainy weather in Yangtze-Huaihe river basin in China that forms when summer enters. It's called plum rains because this kind weather happens when the plums in regions south of the Yangtze River ripen. Besides, high air humidity, without sunshine, makes clothing and utensils easy to go moldy and rusty, so the rain is also called mold rains.
XT: Oh, I see. It's a very interesting weather phenomenon.
YY: Yes, I have learned a lot about the south part of China during this trip. The rain didn't stop in a week. It rained small sometimes, but big sometimes. There is a sharp contrast between weather in the south and arid and fervent weather in the north.
XT: Really? I want to feel the difference if I get a chance. I remember a poem I learned before, "How many things do you worry about? The things I' worry about are as countless as tobaccos on the mountain, as innumerable as the flying willows in the sky, and as countless as the plum rains" Is the last sentence talking about plum rains?
YY: Yes. The poet uses tobaccos, willows and plum rains to show his emotion of missing. What worth praising is he assimilated the successive rainfalls with his profound and endless sorrow, which is regarded by the later generations as the peak of poetic perfection.
XT: Chinese culture is really extensive and profound. I still have a lot of things to study.